〔中图分类号〕 h0〔文献标识码〕 a〔文章编号〕1008-2689(2011)01-0028-05
笑话作为一种典型的幽默现象,长期以来受到了国内外语言学界的广泛关注。国外相关研究主要见于探讨笑话的产生和理解机制,代表性理论有raskin提出的幽默语义脚本理论(the semantic script theory of humor, 简称ssth)[1],attardo 和raskin对ssth修订后提出的言语幽默一般理论(the general theory of verbal humor, 简称gtvh)[2],康德、贝蒂、叔本华等提出的乖讹论(the incongruity theory,简称it),suls、heller等提出的乖讹-消解理论 (the incongruity-resolution theory,简称irt)等[3]。国内学者有关笑话的语言学研究不多,相关研究仅见于刘承宇、李迎迎 [4],王文斌、林波[5],张海燕、范宏雅[6]等,但迄今从系统功能语言学角度对英语言语笑话进行系统而深入的研究文献尚不多见。
表中列举的是通常情况下各类过程涉及到的参与者,有时还会有其他的参与者出现,如物质过程中的“受益者”(beneficiary)[13](220),如小句“he gave the book to john”中的“john”;言语过程中的“目标”(target),如小句“former party officials criticized party leadership”中的“party leadership” [14](125)。
a. 动词词性不确定引起的言语笑话
(1)comedian a: my dog’s got no nose.
comedian b: your dog’s got no nose
? how does it smell?
comedian a: terrible. [14](130)
在“how does it smell?”这个小句中,“smell”可以理解为不及物动词或系动词,作不同的词性解读时,小句表达的语义不同:(a)当“smell”用作系动词时,小句语义为“狗闻起来怎么样”;(b)而当“smell”用作不及物动词时,小句语义为“狗如何闻东西”。及物性分析中,(a)和(b)表述的是两类不同的经验过程:(a)表述的是“关系过程”;(b)则属于“心理过程”。笑话也就由此生成。
及物性分析不仅能解读此类言语笑话的生成与理解,还能揭示参与者在其中所扮演的不同的语义角色。如在“how does it smell?”这个小句中,当谓语动词“smell”表示关系过程时,代词“it”在小句中扮演着“载体”这一语义角色;而当其表示心理过程时,代词“it”在小句中的语义角色是“感受者”。
(2) professor: you missed my class yesterday, did not you?
student: not in the least, sir, not in the least. [16](182)
由于小句“you missed my class yesterday”中动词“miss”能体现不同的经验过程,而作不同经验过程理解时,小句语义差异明显。当动词“miss”体现(a)物质[1]raskin, v. semantic mechanism of humor [m]. dordrecht: reidel, 1985.
[2]attardo, s. linguistic theories of humor [m]. berlin: mouton de gruyter, 1994.
[3]ritchie, g. the linguistic analysis of jokes [m]. london: routledge, 2004.
[4]刘承宇, 李迎迎. 《笑话的语言学分析》述评[j]. 当代语言学,2006, (3):278-283.
王文斌, 林波. 英语幽默言语的认知语用探究—兼论rt与cb的互补性[j]. 外国语, 2003, (4): 32-38.
[6]张海燕, 范宏雅. 英语笑话产生过程的语用分析[j]. 哈尔滨工业大学学报, 2009, (2): 124-128.
[7]halliday, m. a. k. an introduction to functional grammar (2nd edn.) [m]. london: arnold, 1994.
[8]halliday, m. a. k. & matthiessen, c. m. i. m. an introduction to functional grammar (3rd edn.) [m]. london: arnold, 2004.
[9]邱述德.英语歧义[m]. 北京:商务印书馆, 1998.
[10]halliday, m. a. k. notes on transitivity and theme in english, part1 [j]. journal of linguistics, 1967a, 3(1): 37-81.
[11]halliday, m. a. k. notes on transitivity and theme in english, part2 [j]. journal of linguistics, 1967b, 3(2): 199-244.
[12]halliday, m. a. k. notes on transitivity and theme in english, part3 [j]. journal of linguistics, 1968, 4(2): 179-215.
[13]eggins, s. an introduction to systemic functional linguistics (2nd edn) [m]. london: continuum, 2004.
[14]bloor, t. & bloor, m. the functional analysis of english: a hallidayan approach [m]. london: arnold, 1995.
[15]付晓丽. 英语结构歧义的功能语言学阐释[j]. 西安外国语学院学报, 2009, (2): 42-45.
[16]张伯香. 英语幽默赏析[m]. 武汉:武汉大学出版社, 2000.
[17]项成东. 歧义的语用研究[j]. 外语教学, 2002, (4): 35-40.
analyzing english verbally expressed jokes in the framework of transitivity
su hang, liu cheng-yu
(school of foreign languages southwest university, chongqing 400715, china)
abstract: verbal jokes are closely associated with ambiguity, among which lexicogrammatical ambiguity is one of the major mechanisms for the generation of verbally expressed jokes. in systemic functional grammar (sfg), transitivity is analyzed in terms of the realization between meaning and lexicogrammar. this provides an effective way of interpretation for lexicogrammatical ambiguity, which has not been well expou
nded in the framework of formalist grammar. this paper explores within the sfg theory of transitivity why a joke induced by lexicogrammatical ambiguity is funny and how it is funny, and then a linguistic model is suggested for the analysis of such verbally expressed jokes in english.
key words: verbally expressed jokes; lexicogrammatical ambiguity; transitivity analysis