摘 要
关键词:雨衰 闪烁 自适应tdma 衰减检测
物理层 数据链路层 hdlc协议 信道仿真
in this paper, effects of atmospheric factors to ka-band earth-space links are analyzed, and the total fade distribution function is derived. with the scintillation prediction model, monthly averaged standard deviations and monthly percentage time averaged fade of scintillations for some of referential earth stations of our country are computed. founded of the research of characters of fade for channels, a fade countermeasure based on physical layer and data link layer is put forth. physical afcm algorithm is studied on this paper, and a optimized fade dection algorithm is put forth. adaptive resource sharing scheme is also studied in this paper and an integral solution for adaptive tdma is proposed. data link layer acquires ability to counteract rain attenuation after takeing our extended hdlc protocal. a method of simulation of fade channels for ka-band satellite communication is studied and some useful conclusions are derived at the end of this paper.
keywords: rain attenuation, scintillation, adaptive tdma ,
fade detection, physical layer, data link layer,
hdlc protocal, channel simulation
付费论文:25000多字 有目录、参考文献 硕士论文 400元