pilot plant study on integral membrane bio-reactor to treat domestic wastewater
abstract: the technical and economical feasibility of integral membrane bio-reactor (imb) to treat domestic wastewater for reuse has been aoved by the results of a pilot plant experiment. the pilot plant ran continuously over 110 days without membrane rinsing and no sludge discharge. the output water is quite stable and high quality with cod<30mg/l and nh3-n<1.0mg/l respectively, it seems transparent and free of color and smell, and no coliform was detected. for the imb facility the investment is lower than and the operation expense is similar to the traditional advanced treatment. air blow and on-line chemical rinsing is effective for the routine maintenance of the imb. the membrane rinsing cycle is heavy effected by the condition of water circulating inside the reactor and the operating at the starting stage.
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