application and calibration of activated sludge model no. 2
tract: the activated sludge model no.2 given by iawq and the calculating software developed by using matlab as the tool were used in calculating changzhou sewage treatment plant. with the input of typical ki-netic and stoichiometric parameters, the results of the calculation showed that most of the codcr, figures of the outlet water had been well simulated while there had been differences between the simulation values and the actual values of the nh3-n, tp and tn figures of the outlet water. having analyzed the sensitivity of the parametersand taken into consideration the effect of temperature, the model was then calibrated. after the calibration of themodel, the accuracy of simulation was significantly improved.
key words: municipal sewage; sewage treatment; activated sludge method; mathematical model
国际水质协会(iawq)于1995年推出了活性污泥 2号模型[1](activated sludge modd no.2,asm2),asm2是活性污泥1号模型[2](activated sludge model no.1,asm1)的扩展,并沿用了该模型的概念,它包含碳有机物氧化、脱氮和生物除磷 处理过程,共有19种组分、19种反应、22个化学计量系数及42个动力学参数。asm2无论是在污水厂的设计、运行管理、改造,还是在处理技术的研究和开发方面均有重要的使用价值,在国外已得到了成功广泛的使用[3]。我国在这方面起步很慢,本研究对asm2在我国城市污水厂的实用性进行了验证。 模型所用的污水进出水数据来自常州城北污水厂,污水厂采用a2/o工艺,设计流量为5×104m3/d,生物反应池的水力停留时间为11.5h,污泥负荷为0.15kg[bod5](kg[mlss].d),污泥的质量浓度为3500mg/l,固体平均停留时间为20d,污泥回流比100%,池体积为2900m3,缺氧池体积为5800m3,池体积为14500m3。由于该污水厂具有除磷脱氮功能,而asm1没有考虑除磷过程,所以采用asm2进行模拟研究。污水处理流程的简化表示如图1所示:
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