the progress of research of treating as-containing wastewater
tract:the tradition methods to treat as-containing wastewater , such as physical and chemical ones, have some shortcomings, such as high cost, serious second pollution, hard to be applied. great progress has been made in the research about the treatment of as-containing wastewater with microbiology, and the result has been put into application. wild prospect is pointed out in this article about the treatment of as-containing wastewater with activated sludge.
投菌活性污泥法[26](application of bio-augmentation process with liquid live microorganisms)是将具有强活力的细菌投入到曝气池里去,使曝气池混合液内的各种细菌处于最佳活性状态,这样.不仅投入了吸气池内所缺少的细菌,在流入水质不变的条件下,微生物氧化作用显著,而且,当水质改变,环境变异的情况下,微生物仍能适应,保持活性,其氧化代谢过程依然充分,投入菌液后使曝气池耐冲击负荷,提高处理厂的处理效果,改善了出水水质。
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