【摘 要】 采用delphi法对起重机械作业人员职业适性指标进行了 研究 。咨询专家就各备择指标对工作重要性及发生事故的关系进行了评估。结果表明:专家积极程度与意见集中程度良好;事故重要性与工作重要性排序一致性良好,两者呈高度正相关。依据专家对“重要性”的排序,再通过专家会议与现场考证等 方法 ,最终确定了起重机械作业人员职业适性检测指标体系。
【关键词】 起重机械作业 delphi法 职业适性 指标
study on test indexes for occupational aptitude of craneman
abstract test indexes for occupational aptitude of craneman are studied by delphi method. the importance of the given indexes to work and the relationship between the incidence of accident and the given indexes are evaluated by advisory experts. the essential results are as follows: (1)the experts display good initiative and their consultations are fairly concentrated. (2) there are good consistency and positive relation between the order of importance at work and the accidents. according to the order of importance rated by experts, and through experts meetings and on site verification, a system of test indexes for the occupational aptitude of craneman is finally determined.
key words: crane operation delphi method occupational aptitude index
职业适性是指一个人从事某项工作时必须具备的生理、心理素质特征。它是在先天因素和后天环境相互作用的基础上形成和 发展 起来的。职业适性检查是通过一系列有关生理、心理素质的检测来判定人对某种职业的能力倾向和职业适应程度,使人职匹配合理、 科学 ,以提高生产效率,减少事故。
参考 文献
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