摘 要:随着 社会 进步和 科技 展, 科学 技术与 政治 之间的互动关系日益密切。新
三、政府主导科研活动的利弊 分析
我国在蝗虫治理 研究 上取得的巨大成就也是一个典型事例。由于蝗虫的严重危害,党中央和各级政府对蝗灾控制和蝗虫研究高度重视,中央人民政府在农业部病虫害防治局内专门设置治蝗处,统一领导全国治蝗工作。1953年开始在全国主要蝗区建立了蝗虫防治站。在科研力量上,以华北农业科学研究所(1957年改为
influence of politics on the development of entomology in modern china
abstract: since 20th century, the relationship between science and politics have been increasingly close. influenced by the political system and the development level of economics and science, the people’s republic of china took strong administrative measures to control science. by analyzing the historical development of entomology in china during the past 50 years, the paper dissects the influence of politics and policy on the development of science and technology in china.
key words: entomology; science and politics
[1] 王华夫:《