【摘要】 目的探讨转化生长因子β1(tgfβ1)/丝裂原活化的蛋白激酶(mapk)通路在调节胃癌细胞mmp2和mmp9表达中的作用。方法以mkn45和bgc823胃癌细胞系为研究对象。明胶酶谱法检测tgfβ1对各细胞mmp2和mmp9表达的影响,western蛋白印迹检测在tgfβ1作用下各细胞中mapk(p38、jnk、erk)的活化情况。用相应mapk通路的特异抑制剂对tgfβ1调节各细胞mmp2和mmp9的表达进行阻断研究。结果tgfβ1可上调mkn45和bgc823细胞mmp2和mmp9的表达;tgfβ1可诱导bgc823细胞p38、mkn45和bgc823细胞erk及jnk的活化;erk特异抑制剂pd98059可明显抑制tgfβ1诱导mkn45和bgc823细胞mmp2和mmp9的表达,但p38特异抑制剂sb203580和jnk特异抑制剂sp600125对tgfβ1诱导这两种细胞mmp2和mmp9的表达无明显影响。结论tgfβ1可通过活化erk信号通路上调mkn45和bgc823胃癌细胞 mmp2和mmp9的表达。
【关键词】 胃癌;tgfβ1;mmp2;mmp9;erk
tgfβ1 upregulates expression of mmp2 and mmp9 through erk signaling pathway in gastric carcinoma cells
wan zhenling, hu zhongliang, liu baoan
department of pathology , college of basic medicine , central south university , changsha 410013 , china
corresponding author:liu baoan,email:[email protected]:objective to investigate the role of tgfβ1/ mapk signaling pathways in the regulation of mmp2 and mmp9 in gastric carcinoma cells.methodsmkn45 and bgc823 gastric carcinoma cell lines were used in this study. the expression of mmp2 and mmp9 in the two gastric carcinoma cell lines stimulated by tgfβ1 was tested by gelatin zymography. the activity of mapk signaling pathway in tgfβ1stimulated cells was measured by western blotting. the effects of the mapk pathway specific inhibitors on tgfβ1activated mmp2 and mmp9 expression in two cell lines were examined.resultstgfβ1 induced expression of mmp2 and mmp9 in mkn45 and bgc823 cells. p38 was activated in bgc823 cells by tgfβ, whereas nk and erk was activated in both mkn45 and bgc823 cells. pd98059, a erk specific inhibitor, significantly inhibited the production of mmp2 and mmp9 by tgfβ1 in both mkn45 and bgc823 cells, however, sb203580 and sp600125, specific blocker for p38 and jnk, showed no effect on the mmp2 and mmp9 expression in both two cells.conclusiontgfβ1 induced enhanced mmp2 and mmp9 expression mediated by erk signaling pathway in mkn45 and bgc823 gastric carcinoma cell lines.
key words:gastric neoplasm; tgfβ1; mmp2; mmp9; erk
1.1材料bgc823细胞购自中国科学院上海细胞库,mkn45细胞为上海交通大学消化外科研究所朱正纲教授惠赠。人源重组tgfβ1购自美国r&d公司,明胶购自美国sigma公司,pp38、perk、pjnk小鼠单克隆抗体购自美国santa cruz公司,pd98059购自美国promega公司,sb203580和sp600125购自美国alexis公司。
1.2.2细胞分组及实验处理经初步处理的细胞于实验组中加入等体积含10ng/ml tgfβ1的1%血清培基继续培养48h后收集上清液(同时以无tgfβ1刺激作对照)。mapks( erk、p38、jnk)活化的检测:各细胞用10ng/ml tgfβ1分别刺激0、15、30、60、120min,分别收集细胞裂解蛋白。阻断实验分四组,即未加tgfβ1刺激组、tgfβ1刺激组、抑制剂干预+ tgfβ1刺激组、抑制剂干预组。经初步处理的细胞各组分别以sb203580(20μmol/l)、sp600125(20μmol/l)、pd98059(30μmol/l)预孵育1h后,再于实验组中加入等体积含10ng/ml tgfβ1的1%血清培养基继续培养48h后收集上清液。
1.2.3明胶酶谱分析分别取相等体积的各处理组细胞培养上清液与不含dtt的蛋白上样缓冲液混匀后直接上样(不加热),进行10%聚丙烯酰胺凝胶(含1mg/ml明胶)垂直电泳。电泳结束后将凝胶置于培养皿中,加入100ml 2.5% tritonx100,振荡,重复洗6次,每次5min,再用trishcl缓冲液(50mmol/l tris,ph 7.4) 漂洗3次,每次5min,之后将凝胶放入反应液 (50mmol/l tris,ph7.4,200mmol/l nacl,10mmol/l cacl2) 中37℃孵育36~42h,然后将凝胶置于0.25%考马斯亮蓝r250染色液中染色4h,最后放入脱色液(30%甲醇,10%冰醋酸)中进行脱色以显示条带。
1.2.4western蛋白印迹分析将步骤2中收集的细胞裂解蛋白用bca法测定浓度。分别取等量蛋白加上样缓冲液于沸水中煮5min,以12%sds聚丙烯酰胺凝胶进行电泳分离。电泳完毕后将凝胶上的蛋白经半干转膜仪以恒压15v转至pvdf膜上,用含3%小牛血清白蛋白(或5%脱脂奶粉)的tbst溶液(137mmol/l nacl,2.7mmol/l kcl,25mmol/l tris,0.1%tween20,ph7.4)封闭1~2h,分别加入抗pp38、pjnk和perk抗体,37℃孵育2~3h或4℃孵育过夜,洗膜后再用hrp标记的二抗37℃孵育2h,洗膜后dab显色。扫描。以βactin蛋白水平作为内对照。
2.2tgfβ1对mkn45和bgc823细胞mapk激酶磷酸化的影响western blot结果显示,tgfβ1刺激mkn45细胞后各时间点均未见pp38有明显变化,见图2aa。但作用于bgc823细胞15min后pp38表达量即增加,随后减少,见图2ba。tgfβ1刺激mkn45细胞30min后pjnk的表达达高峰,见图2ab。而作用于bgc823细胞15min后pjnk表达量即升高,随后减少,见图2bb。tgfβ1 分别作用15min和60min后,mkn45和bgc823细胞中perk表达达高峰,见图2ac、bc。图2tgfβ1对mkn45(a)和bgc823(b)
2.3阻断erk、jnk和p38通路对tgfβ1诱导mkn45和bgc823细胞mmp2和mmp9表达的影响明胶酶谱结果显示,erk激酶抑制剂pd98059可明显抑制tgfβ1诱导mkn45和 bgc823细胞mmp2和mmp9的表达,见图3。对mmp2和mmp9表达的抑制率在mkn45细胞中分别为53.13%和95.84%,在bgc823细胞中分别为39.35%和37.66%。而jnk激酶抑制剂sp600125和p38激酶抑制剂sb203580对tgfβ1诱导mkn45和bgc823细胞mmp2和mmp9的表达均无明显抑制作用。1:control;2:tgfβ1;3:tgfβ1 with pd98059;4:pd98059
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