【关键词】 小儿;反复肺炎;病因;基础疾病;免疫功能
【摘要】 目的 探讨小儿反复肺炎的病因,为其治疗提供依据。方法 选取2008年1月~2010年6月于我院进行治疗的86例反复肺炎小儿患者为研究对象,对其临床资料进行统计分析。结果 先天性心脏病为引起小儿反复肺炎的主要原因,其次是呼吸道的解剖结构异常,其他基础疾病也是引起反复肺炎的原因,共有84例患儿是由这些因素引起,2例患儿为不明原因。患儿的免疫功能检测均差于正常儿童,除血清c3外,血清igg、iga、igm及c4均高于健康小儿,p均<0.05,均有显著性差异。结论 引起小儿反复肺炎的病因较多,且患儿多存在免疫功能低下,应引起重视。
【关键词】 小儿;反复肺炎;病因;基础疾病;免疫功能
abstract objective to explore the etiology of recurrent pneumonia in children so as to provide the bases for treatment.methods 86 children with recurrent pneumonia hospitalized from jan., 2008 to june, 2010 were selected and a statistical study and analysis were made to their clinical data.result congenital heart disease was the main cause of recurrent pneumonia in children, and then was the anatomic structure abnormity of the respiratory tract, other underlying diseases were the causes as well; out of 86 cases, 84 cases were caused by the above factors and 2 cases were caused by unknown reasons; the immune function of all the 86 cases was lower than that of normal while, except the serum c3 their serum igg, iga, igm and c4 were all higher than those of the normal (p <0.05), the difference was of significance.conclusions many factors may lead to recurrent pneumonia in children; the lower immune function of the patients should be paid attention.
keywords children recurrent pneumonia underlying disease immune function
1 资料与方法
1.1 临床资料
1.2 方法
对观察组的86例反复肺炎患儿的临床资料进行统计及分析,对其引起反复肺炎的疾病种类、病原体检测结果及免疫功能进行检测及分析,同时对对照组的86名健康儿童的免疫功能水平进行检测及分析,并将两组儿童的免疫功能检测结果(血清igg、iga、igm、 c3及c4水平)进行比较。
1.3 统计学方法
2 结 果
2.1 引起反复肺炎的疾病种类
2.2 病原体检测结果分析
2.3 反复肺炎患儿与健康儿童免疫功能检测结果比较
86例反复肺炎患儿与健康儿童免疫功能检测结果比较,见表3。表1 引起反复肺炎的疾病种类表2 病原体检测结果分析表3 反复肺炎患儿与健康儿童免疫功能检测结果比较
3 讨 论
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