摘要 首先,从整体格局来看,
关键词 报刊 体育新闻 娱乐化
abstract firstly, sports reporting on daily newspapers in china is, as a whole, weaker than that on specialized sports newspapers, but the situation in the united states is just the opposite. secondly, sports reporting on chinese newspapers are usually more emotional, while the reporting on american newspapers pay more attention to objectivity. thirdly, for most american newspapers, the layouts of sports pages are designed well but the writings are not so attractive. in china, sports reports on newspapers are vivid and lively, but they also have problems as writing. facing similar challenges from television and the internet, newspapers in both china and the u.s are adopting the same strategies in sports reporting, that is to either focus on the depth of the report or make it more entertaining.
key words newspapersports reportingentertainment
美国报纸的 体育 报道有其鲜明的特点。从内容上看,报道主要集中在棒球、职业篮球、冰球、拳击、橄榄球等少数几个美国大众普遍喜爱的运动项目上,而大多数其他的运动项目(被称为minor sports )在报纸的体育新闻版面上很少涉及。可以说,和世界上大多数国家的体育新闻报道相比,美国报刊的体育新闻报道涉及的项目范围是比较狭窄的。尤其显得独特的是,在世界各地都广受欢迎的足球运动,在美国的体育新闻报道中很少提及。而且,即使是那些受美国人欢迎的运动项目,其报道也主要集中在本国的比赛上。事实上,财力远比