著《国际贸易法》第141页,法律出版社,2003年。wto上诉机构在japan – taxes on alcoholic beverages(wt/ds8 1996)案件中裁定: article 3.2 of the dsu directs the appellate body to clarify the provisions of gatt 1994 and the other “covered agreements” of the wto agreement “in accordance with customary rules of interpretation of public international law”。 following this mandate, in united states - standards for reformulated and conventional gasoline, we stressed the need to achieve such clarification by reference to the fundamental rule of treaty interpretation set out in article 31(1) of the vienna convention. we stressed there that this general rule of interpretation “has attained the status of a rule of customary or general international law”。 there can be no doubt that article 32 of the vienna convention, dealing with the role of supplementary means of interpretation, has also attained the same status.
之意义起见,或遇依第31条作解释而:(a) 意义仍属不明或难解;或(b)所获结果显属荒谬或不合理时,为确定其意义起见,得使用解释之补充资料,包括条约之准备工作及缔约之情况在内。
ir judgement for that of the competent authority.”见united states – transitional safeguard measures on combed cotton yarn from pakistan(wt/ds192/ab/r)上诉机构报告第74段。