拜厄斯·沃尔夫(tobias wolff),1945年出生于美国阿拉巴马州的伯明翰市,是蜚声美国的短篇小说家及回忆录创作大师,被文学界誉为美国的“契诃夫”,现任美国斯坦福大学人文学科教授。沃尔夫曾在上世纪八十年代凭借短篇小说荣获三次欧·亨利奖;2006年获得福克纳笔会奖;2009年3月4日,凭借《我们的故事开始了》一举夺得美国杰出短篇小说奖。沃尔夫的短篇小说时常发表在《华盛顿邮报》、《纽约客》、《格兰特》、《时尚先生》等著名文学杂志上,充分展露了他非凡的创作天赋。[论文网]
he leaned down to the 1)pickpocket. the 2)heaving and 3)gasping had stopped, but he was still making a show of his breathlessness.
“that’s better,” mallon said. “can you stand up? try to stand up. here,” he said, and gripped the pickpocket’s arm and forced him upright until he saw his face for the first time. it was a round dark face with a small round mouth, lips as full and tender—looking as a girl’s. despite the sheen of sweat on the puffy cheeks, the vanity of the pencil-line mustache, the 4)sparse 5)streaks of hair plastered across the damp forehead, mallon had an impression of dignity; dignity, and dignity offended. as the pickpocket labored for breath, he gazed up at mallon with his dark eyes. “how could you?” they asked.
mallon might have said, “because you tried to steal from me.” but he was still conscious of the flush of joy he’d felt when his blow 6)struck home—when he knew he’d hurt the man. it lingered in the faint tingling of his skin, an edgy sense of 7)buoyancy, vitality. where that joy came from he couldn’t say, but he knew that its roots were deeper than some clumsy failed larceny.
fat drops of rain began to patter on the 8)awning.
“how are you?” mallon said. “can you walk?”
the pickpocket turned away as if insulted by the hypocrisy of mallon’s concern. he leaned against the store window with both hands, and his head sank lower as his shoulders rose and fell. a grayhaired woman inside the store rapped on the glass and made a shooing motion. when the pickpocket ignored her, she rapped harder and kept rapping. he really was a little man: she glared down at him like a 9)schoolmarm scolding a guilty child.
“i have to go,” mallon said. “i’m sorry.” he looked up at the sky. he would have liked to call silvestri, to tell him that he was on his way, but his cell phone was back at the hotel and there was no public telephone in sight. “i’m sorry,” he said again, and stepped into the rain and walked quickly up the street.
one of the 10)ubiquitous bangladeshi umbrella 11)hustlers was working the corner, and mallon had just shelled out seven euros when he heard a woman shouting. he didn’t want to look back but did. it was the woman from the shop, pushing and batting the pickpocket away from the window while he hunched and co
vered his head like a boxer trying to get through the last seconds of a round. mallon slipped his billfold back into his jacket pocket and took the umbrella that the bangladeshi had opened for him. he hesitated, then turned back.
the pickpocket was out on the sidewalk now, in the rain. the woman stood just under the awning with her arms crossed over her chest.
“excuse me, 12)signora,” mallon said, coming up to them. “this man isn’t well. he needs to rest a moment.”
“i know these people,” she said. “we don’t want them here.”
the rain fell in sheets, ran down the pickpocket’s shiny 13)scalp and face, down his leather jacket. strings of water hung like a fringe from the 14)hem of the jacket, dripping onto the sagging pants and 15)dainty shoes.
“here,” mallon said, and offered him the umbrella, but he only looked at mallon with his hurt dark eyes and then lowered his head again. mallon bumped him in the shoulder with the handle of the umbrella. “go on—take it!” he said.
and finally, with a beaten, unwilling look, the pickpocket did. he stood between mallon and the signora, panting softly, holding the umbrella at a careless angle. he seemed 16)oblivious of the water sliding down it onto his back; he seemed unable to move. so, too, the signora, steadfast in her icy pose. mallon stepped under the awning, not so much to get out of the rain as to break free of this 17)tableau.
and that was when he saw a taxi round the corner with a light glowing on its roof. it was absurd to hope for an empty cab in rain like this, most likely the driver had simply forgotten to turn it off, but mallon ran out waving his arm and the cab veered sharply to the curb, sending a comber of water over his shoes. he opened the door but couldn’t help looking back. the pickpocket had lowered the umbrella to the ground upside down and was leaning on the shaft, head low, neck bared to the sky. the signora kept her post.
“wait,” mallon said to the driver.
he went back and grabbed the pickpocket’s sleeve and pulled him to the cab. “get in,” mallon said, and took the umbrella and pushed him into the back seat. he leaned inside. “o.k., where do you live?”
one of the 10)ubiquitous bangladeshi umbrella 11)hustlers was working the corner, and mallon had just shelled out seven euros when he heard a woman shouting. he didn’t want to look back but did. it was the woman from the shop, pushing and batting the pickpocket away from the window while he hunched and covered his head like a boxer trying to get through the last seconds of a round. mallon slipped his billfold back into his jacket pocket and took the umbrella that the bangladeshi had opened for him. he hesitated, then turned back.
the pickpocket was out on the sidewalk now, in the rain. the woman stood just under the awning with her arms crossed over her chest.
“excuse me, 12)signora,” mallon said, coming up to them. “this ma
n isn’t well. he needs to rest a moment.”
“i know these people,” she said. “we don’t want them here.”
the rain fell in sheets, ran down the pickpocket’s shiny 13)scalp and face, down his leather jacket. strings of water hung like a fringe from the 14)hem of the jacket, dripping onto the sagging pants and 15)dainty shoes.
“here,” mallon said, and offered him the umbrella, but he only looked at mallon with his hurt dark eyes and then lowered his head again. mallon bumped him in the shoulder with the handle of the umbrella. “go on—take it!” he said.
and finally, with a beaten, unwilling look, the pickpocket did. he stood between mallon and the signora, panting softly, holding the umbrella at a careless angle. he seemed 16)oblivious of the water sliding down it onto his back; he seemed unable to move. so, too, the signora, steadfast in her icy pose. mallon stepped under the awning, not so much to get out of the rain as to break free of this 17)tableau.
and that was when he saw a taxi round the corner with a light glowing on its roof. it was absurd to hope for an empty cab in rain like this, most likely the driver had simply forgotten to turn it off, but mallon ran out waving his arm and the cab veered sharply to the curb, sending a comber of water over his shoes. he opened the door but couldn’t help looking back. the pickpocket had lowered the umbrella to the ground upside down and was leaning on the shaft, head low, neck bared to the sky. the signora kept her post.
“wait,” mallon said to the driver.
he went back and grabbed the pickpocket’s sleeve and pulled him to the cab. “get in,” mallon said, and took the umbrella and pushed him into the back seat. he leaned inside. “o.k., where do you live?”