原文作者:lewis thomas
刘易斯·托马斯(lewis thomas, 1913~1994),美国医学家、生物学家,生于美国纽约,就读于普林斯顿大学和哈佛医学院,历任明尼苏达大学儿科研究所教授、纽约大学贝尔维尤医疗中心病理学系和内科系主任、耶鲁医学院病理学系主任。其代表作有《细胞生命的礼赞》(the lives of a cell)、《水母与蜗牛》(the medusa and the snail)、《最年轻的科学》(the youngest science)、《脆弱的物种》(the fragile species)等。
we are told that the trouble with modern man is that he has been trying to detach1) himself from nature. he sits in the topmost tiers2) of polymer3), glass, and steel, dangling his pulsing legs, surveying at a distance the writhing4) life of the planet. in this scenario, man comes on as a stupendous5) lethal6) force, and the earth is pictured as something delicate, like rising bubbles at the surface of a country pond, or flights of fragile birds. [论文网]
but it is illusion to think that there is anything fragile about the life of the earth; surely this is the toughest membrane7) imaginable in the universe, opaque8) to probability, impermeable9) to death. we are the delicate part, transient and vulnerable as cilia10). nor is it a new thing for man to invent an existence that he imagines to be above the rest of life; this has been his most consistent intellectual exertion11) down the millennia12). as illusion, it has never worked out to his satisfaction in the past, any more than it does today. man is embedded in nature.
the biologic science of recent years has been making this a more urgent fact of life. the new, hard problem will be to cope with the dawning, intensifying realization of just how interlocked we are. the old, clung-to notions most of us have held about our special lordship are being deeply undermined.
item. a good case can be made for our nonexistence as entities. we are not made up, as we had always supposed, of successively enriched packets of our own parts. we are shared, rented, occupied. at the interior of our cells, driving them, providing the oxidative13) energy that sends us out for the improvement of each shining day, are the mitochondria14), and in a strict sense they are not ours. they turn out to be little separate creatures, the colonial posterity15) of migrant prokaryocytes16), probably primitive bacteria that swam into ancestral17) precursors18) of our eukaryotic19) cells and stayed there. ever since, they have maintained themselves and their ways, replicating in their own fashion, privately, with their own dna and rna quite different from ours. they are as much symbionts20) as the rhizobial21) bacteria in the roots of beans. without them, we would not move a muscle, drum a finger, think a thought.
mitochondria are stable and responsible lodgers, and i choose to trust them. but what of the other little animals, similarly established in my cells, sorting and ba
lancing me, clustering me together? my centrioles22), basal bodies, and probably a good many other more obscure tiny beings at work inside my cells, each with its own special genome23), are as foreign, and as essential, as aphids in anthills24). my cells are no longer the pure line25) entities i was raised with; they are ecosystems more complex than jamaica bay.
i like to think that they work in my interest, that each breath they draw for me, but perhaps it is they who walk through the local park in the early morning, sensing my senses, listening to my music, thinking my thoughts.
i am consoled, somewhat, by the thought that the green plants are in the same fix. they could not be plants, or green, without their chloroplasts26), which run the photosynthetic27) enterprise and generate oxygen for the rest of us. as it turns out, chloroplasts are also separate creatures with their own genomes, speaking their own language.
we carry stores of dna in our nuclei28) that may have come in, at one time or another, from the fusion of ancestral cells and the linking of ancestral organisms in symbiosis29). our genomes are catalogues of instructions from all kinds of sources in nature, filed for all kinds of contingencies. as for me, i am grateful for differentiation and speciation, but i cannot feel as separate an entity as i did a few years ago, before i was told these things, nor, i should think, can anyone else.
item. the uniformity of the earth's life, more astonishing than its diversity, is accountable by the high probability that we derived, originally, from some single cell, fertilized in a bolt of lightning as the earth cooled. it is from the progeny30) of this parent cell that we take our looks; we still share genes around, and the resemblance of the enzymes31) of grasses to those of whales is a family resemblance.
the viruses, instead of being single-minded agents of disease and death, now begin to look more like mobile genes. evolution is still an infinitely long and tedious biologic game, with only the winners staying at the table, but the rules are beginning to look more flexible. we live in a dancing matrix32) of viruses; they dart, rather like bees, from organism to organism, from plant to insect to mammal to me and back again, and into the sea, tugging along pieces of this genome, strings of genes from that, transplanting grafts33) of dna, passing around heredity34) as though at a great party. they may be a mechanism for keeping new, mutant35) kinds of dna in the widest circulation among us. if this is true, the odd virus disease, on which we must focus so much of our attention in medicine, may be looked on as an accident, something dropped.
item. i have been trying to think of the earth as a kind of organism, but it is no go. i cannot think of it this way. it is too big, too complex, with too many working parts lacking visible connections. the other night, driving through a hilly,
wooded part of southern new england, i wondered about this. if not like an organism, what is it like, what is it most like? then, satisfactorily for that moment, it came to me: it is most like a single cell.
1. detach [d??t?t?] vt. 使分离(from)
2. tier [t??(r)] n. (阶梯式的) (一)排;(一)层
3. polymer [?p?l?m?(r)] n. 【化】聚合物
4. writhe [ra??] vi. 感到极度痛苦
5. stupendous [stju??pend?s] adj. 大得惊人的,巨大的
6. lethal [?li?θl] adj. 致死的
7. membrane [?membre?n] n. 【解】【生】细胞膜,是细胞表面的一层薄膜,能控制细胞与外界环境的物质交换,调节细胞的生命活动,使细胞能保持相对的稳定性。
8. opaque [???pe?k] adj. 迟钝的
9. impermeable [?m?p??mi?bl] adj. 不能透过的
10. cilium [?s?l??m] n. (其复数形式为cilia)【植】纤毛,是细胞游离面伸出的能摆动的较长突起,比微绒毛粗且长,在光学显微镜下能看见。
11. exertion [?ɡ?z???n] n. 努力;费力;运用
12. millennium [m??leni?m] n. (其复数形式为millennia)一千年
13. oxidative [??ks??de?t?v] adj. 【化】氧化的;具有
14. mitochondrion [?ma?t???k?ndri?n] n. (其复数形式为mitochondria)【生】线粒体,是真核细胞中的一种重要的细胞器,主要功能为通过呼吸作用将食物分解产物中贮存的能量逐渐释放出来,供应细胞活动的需要。
15. posterity [p??ster?ti] n. 后裔;后代
16. prokaryocyte [pr?u'k?ri?sa?t] n. 【生】原核细胞,是组成原核生物的细胞,没有明显可见的细胞核,同时也没有核膜和核仁,进化地位较低。
17. ancestral [?n?sestr?l] adj. 祖先的,原始的
18. precursor [pri??k??s?(r)] n. (从中产生变化的)产物母体,前身
19. eukaryotic [ju??k?r?'?t?k] adj. 真核生物的。真核生物是其细胞具有细胞核的单细胞生物和多细胞生物的总称。
20. symbiont [?s?mb???nt] n. (= symbion)【生】共生生物
21. rhizobial [ra?'z?ub??l] adj. 根瘤菌的
22. centriole ['sentr??ul] n. 【生】中心粒,是动物、某些藻类和菌类细胞中的圆筒状细胞器。
23. genome [?d?i?n??m] n. 【生】基因组,是指包含在生物dna (部分病毒是rna)中的全部遗传信息。
24. aphids in anthills: 蚁丘中的蚜虫。蚂蚁喜欢食用蚜虫的分泌物,同时又保护蚜虫不受天敌侵害,二者是一种共生关系。aphid [?e?f?d] n. 【昆】蚜虫。anthill [??nth?l] n. 蚁丘
25. pure line: 【生】纯系
26. chloroplast [?kl?r?plɑ?st] n. 【生】叶绿体,是绿色植物细胞内进行光合作用的一种质体。
27. photosynthetic [?f?ut?s?n'θet?k] adj. 【生化】光合的;促进光合作用的
28. nucleus [?nju?kli?s] n. (其复数形式为nuclei)【生】细胞核,是细胞内遗传信息储存、复制、转录的主要场所,多为球形或椭圆形。
29. symbiosis [?s?mba????s?s] n. 【生】共生(现象),是指两种不同生物之间所形成的紧密互利关系。
30. progeny [?pr?d??ni] n. [用作单或复] (人或动、植物等的)后代,后裔
31. enzyme [?enza?m] n. 【生化】酶,是生物体的细胞产生的有机胶状物质,能够加快生化反应的速度,但是不改变反应的方向和产物。
32. matrix [?me?tr?ks] n. 阵,矩阵
33. graft [ɡrɑ?ft] n. 移植物;移植片
34. heredity [h??red?ti] n. 遗传
35. mutant [?mju?t?nt] adj. 突变的;突变产生的