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圣迭戈国际动漫展—— 精彩此间寻!


  1. the largest comic convention in the usa
  1. 全美最大漫展
  nothing can beat the spectacle[大场面] that is comic-con international. over one hundred thousand attendees swarm[蜂拥而至]
   over the san diego convention center each year, making it the largest comic book convention in the united states. there is not only a lot to see during the convention, because the after parties and events that coincide[巧遇] with comic-con make it the place to be for geeks[极客]
   the world over. as the nation’s largest comic convention, it is the place to be for stars pushing their new movies and companies pushing their new products, so you can be sure that anyone who is anyone in pop culture is going to be there as well.
   2. get great con- only it ems
  2. 搜罗漫展限定版
  one of the big draws[吸引人的事物] to comic-con international is the convention only items that you can get. things like comic books, action figures[人偶], toys, statues, t-shirts, and just about anything you can think of. comic book creators often bring their latest comic books, available[可得到的] first at comic-con, and even bring hand printed comics often called zines[(成本低或自制的)杂志] that they sell only at conventions. it is a great way to get something special for yourself or a loved one.
   3. m eet your favori t e star or creator
  3. 与最喜欢的明星或作者面对面
  since comic-con international draws the biggest number of stars, you can bet there is someone you will want to meet. television and movie stars of today and yesterday are there in droves[一群群], signing pictures and shaking hands with fans. tons of[很多] comic book creators will also be there─so if there is someone whose work you admire, you can be sure that you will most likely be able to find your favorite creator and say hello.
   4. comic - con panels[讨论小组]
  4. 连场漫展发布会
  the panels are amazing. the renowned[享有盛名的] hall h is a 6,500-seat auditorium[观众席]. you can see the first trailer[预告片] for new movies, meet the biggest names in comics or hollywood, or just learn how to become a better artist or writer. some panels are small and intimate[亲密的] where you can ask questions and see your favorite creator or star close up. comic-con international has so many different panels to choose from, in just about every genre[种类] from manga[漫画] to movies and television.
   发布会真是太赞了。著名的h大厅是一个能容纳6500人的大礼堂。你可以看到新电影的首发预告片,见到漫画名人或者好莱坞大腕,学习如何提升自己的画技或是写作水平。有些发布会规模不大,比较私密,你可以在会上尽情发问,与自己喜欢的作者或明星进行零距离接触。动漫展中有各种不同的发布会,从漫画到影视,每一种体裁都有座谈会可供选择。 [论文网]
   5. freebies[赠品]
  5. 各种免费赠品
  every comic convention has freebies, but comic-con probably has the best. you can get all kinds of goodies[想要的东西], since freebies are handed out everywhere. things like posters, promotional[促销的] items from movies or video games, and much much more. there are lots of people that go to comic-con, load up on freebies and exclusives[限量版], then turn around and sell them immediately[马上] on ebay, sometimes for hundreds of dollars. you might not be in it for the money, but you can certainly find some great one-of-a-kind items.

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