argo (“阿尔戈号”)是希腊神话中由巨人阿格斯(argus)建造的一艘船,在希腊语中是“迅捷”的意思,据说船在设计和建造的过程中还得到了女神雅典娜的帮助。但在影片《逃离德黑兰》(argo)中,argo则充当了一次营救行动的代号和载体,成为一部虚构的科幻电影的名字。影片以2007年由joshuah bearman发表在杂志《连线》(wired)上的一篇文章《中情局如何借用一部虚构的科幻影片将美国人救出德黑兰》(how the cia used a fake sci-fi flick to rescue americans from tehran)为蓝本改编而来。故事本身确实是真实的,电影拍摄也采取了很多纪录片的手法,增加了影片的真实性和历史感。但电影毕竟不是纪录片,这种艺术形式本身就给予了导演虚构的权利和想象的空间。因此,这部电影可以说是在历史的躯干里嫁接了很多传奇的血与肉。[论文网]
时势造英雄,伟大的英雄往往需要一个伟大的历史背景作为支点来“撬动”伟大的事件。20世纪下半叶的伊朗政坛动荡,风云诡谲。1979年,伊朗爆发革命,伊朗人民推翻了亲美的巴列维王朝的统治,将国王reza pahlavi赶下台。在海外流亡长达14年的宗教领袖ayatollah khomeini以胜利者的姿态回到德黑兰,并被拥戴为伊朗新的领导者。pahlavi在美国的帮助下安全离开伊朗,前往美国避难。伊美两国自此从亲朋变成宿敌,美驻伊使馆前的示威抗议成为家常便饭。但谁也没想到的是,伊朗学生于1979年11月4日发起的示威游行会成为从量变到质变的“爆点”。在这次游行中,伊朗学生占领了驻德黑兰的美国大使馆,绑架了66名外交官作为人质,要求美国交出pahlavi,让他回国接受法律制裁。在这场危机中,美国大使馆领事部的六名外交官趁乱溜出大使馆,被加拿大驻伊大使收留,逃脱了被绑架的厄运。但是,这六个美国人如同笼中之鸟,不敢离开加拿大大使官邸半步。为将这几个人安全带回美国,一场惊心动魄的营救行动就此展开,英雄即将出场。
电影主角——美国中情局(cia)特工tony mendez——的出场极其平凡。忘记关掉的电视、满屋的垃圾、随手乱放的快餐盒、不修边幅的浓密须发、和衣而寝的男人——影片用这一系列画面传达了很多信息:这是一个普通人,一个小人物,他形只影单,可能独身或者离异,生活有些失意甚至落魄。这样负能量的出场不仅给英雄增加不少“人”味,也为英雄在关键时刻爆发正能量做好了铺垫。果然,在和国务院官员商讨如何营救六个美国人时,tony的能量开始显现。
official 1: so, what we’d like for this are bicycles. we’ve identified back roads (僻径) from the chamran district (赛米兰区,位于德黑兰市最北部), couple of rat lines through the mountains to the crossing near tabriz (大不里士,伊朗西北部城市). cars are off the table (不在考虑之列) because of the road blocks.
official 2: we wait until the weather clears up; then deliver the six bikes; provide them (指六名美国人) with maps to the turkish border.
official 1: we have intelligence they can ride bicycles, or we’re prepared to send in somebody to teach them.
tony: or you could just send in training wheels and meet them at the border with gatorade (佳得乐,一种运动饮料). it’s three hundred miles to the turkish border. they’d need a support team following them with a tire pump (打气筒).
official 1: i’m sorry. who is this?
jack [tony’s boss]: tony is an exfil spesh (解救专家). he’s got a lot of shah’s (沙赫,旧时伊朗国王的称号,这里指巴列维) people out after the fall.
tony: sir, if these people (指伊朗游行人士) can read or add, pretty soon they’re gonna figure out there’re six short of a full deck. it’s winter. you can’t afford to wait around until spring, so it’s nice enough to take a bike ride. the only way out of that city is the airport. you build new cover identities for ’em. you send in a moses (摩西,《圣经》故事中古代犹太人的领袖,此处指勇闯德黑兰的救援人员). he takes them out on a commercial flight.
official 3: they could pose (伪装) as reporter, if the government issued seventy-something visas for american journalists.
tony: if they’re caught with fake journalist creds, it’s peter jennings’ head in a noose (自套绞索) in an hour.
official 4: what about english teachers at the international school?
tony: it’s a good idea, but that school’s been closed for eight months.
2: okay, so how about the “do-gooders” (慈善人员)? six canadians have been over there inspecting crops, ensuring the kids are getting enough to eat. we give them creds, make them look like ag ngos. it’s a feed the kids thing. okay?
tony: sir, do you have this newspaper in front of you? would you mind taking a look at it? what crops are the “do-gooders” inspecting under frosting (霜冻)? sir, exfils are like abortions (堕胎). you don’t wanna need one, but when you do, you don’t do it yourself.
被肢解的不仅仅是营救方案,还有群儒们的尊严和权威。在tony数次发言反驳各路专家的方案后,会议的主持者终于忍无可忍,提出一个与营救毫不相关的问题:“i’m sorry, who is this?”这可以理解为一个疑问句,也可以理解为一个反问句,其话外音是这个无名小卒着实不知天高地厚。但即便受此挑战,tony在其后的讨论中仍然表现得滴水不漏。tony在这场会议中充当了一个不受欢迎的搅局者,也无意中把自己置于漩涡的中心。于是在会议最后,人们将矛头指向了他:“do you have a better plan?”tony答道:“no, sir.”
tony回答得坦诚,但很自信。他不是没有更好的计划,只是他的计划还没有被细化。他在讨论最开始已经亮明了观点:营救方法只有一个,那就是让救援人员用飞机将这些人带离德黑兰。这个方案虽然只是粗线条,却为日后的营救行动定下了基调。这就是职业本能,这就是英雄气质。和很多好莱坞电影的老桥段一样,英雄只需要一个“得来全不费工夫”的灵感。最后在电影《决战猩球》(battle for the planet of the apes)的启发下,tony制定了自己的方案。在与各路专家的第二轮交锋中,他详细阐述了自己的计划。
tony: you know those science fiction movies, star trek, star wars. they need an exotic location to shoot—moonscape (月球表面), mars, desert, you know. now imagine this: they (指营救对象,六名美国外交官) are a canadian film crew on a location scout (侦查) for a science fiction movie. we put it out there, the canadian producers put it out there, and we’re looking at egypt, istanbul. then we go to the consulate (指伊朗领事馆), say, “hey, we wanna look at iran too.” i fly into tehran. we all fly out together as a film crew. done.
official 1: flamboyant (引人注目的) cover identity should be avoided as it increases operational instability.
tony: this is a lot more plausible than foreigners who wanna be teachers in iran.
official 2: you wanna blend in with the population. you don’t look like a rodeo clown (小丑).
official 3: you just gonna wake up tomorrow morning and be in the movie business? we already have credentials (证件) for the teachers.
tony: no, sir, we have a contact in l.a., john chambers. he’s a hollywood prosthetics (修复术的) guy. he’s got an oscar. he did planet of the apes (指john曾担任电影《人猿星球》的化妆师). he’s done a bunch of contract work for us in the past. i go see him. he sets us up.
一个真正的能人并不是无所不能的jack of all trades (万事通),而是能在正确的时候找到正确的人做正确的事。tony设计了一个天才方案,但他本人并不是电影制作的专家。要想让这个偷天换日的计划顺利实施,他需要好莱坞的高手来完成战斗前的掩体设计。于是他找到了他的好友、好莱坞化妆大师john chambers。john曾经为cia提供过协助,事实证明他具备胜任这项工作的各项基本素质:政治可靠、业务精湛、头脑灵活、作风务实、人脉通达。在和tony的一次会餐谈话中,他为tony设计了制作这部假电影的方案。
john: let’s see. this one has got an m.a. in english. she should be your screenwriter (编剧). sometimes they
go along on scouts because they want their free meals. here’s your director.
tony: can you teach somebody to be a director in a day?
john: you can teach a rhesus monkey (猕猴) to be a director in a day. look, if you’re gonna do this, you gotta do it. the kho maniacs (指霍梅尼分子) are froot loops (疯子) but they got cousins who sell prayer rugs (祈祷毯子) and 8-tracks (八轨磁带) on la brea (拉不雷亚,位于洛杉矶的焦油矿). you can’t build cover stories around a movie that doesn’t exist. you need a script. you need a producer.
tony: make me a producer.
john: no, you’re an associate producer at best. if you’re gonna do a $20 million dollars star wars rip-off (仿制品), you need somebody who’s a somebody to put his name on it, somebody respectable, with credits, who you can trust with classified information, who will produce a fake movie, for free.
在短短的时间里,john不仅完成了角色分配,还传达了一个重要信息:要想以假乱真,就必须做得像真的一样,tony需要一个电影剧本和一个有头有脸的制片人。此时john广泛的人脉关系又发挥了重要作用,在他的引荐下,好莱坞老牌监制lester siegel应声出场。虽然lester并不像john那样好说话,但在爱国主义和人道主义精神的驱使下,lester最终同意出任制片人。他们三人一起商讨电影剧本,最终敲定了一部名为argo的科幻影片。但要拍这部电影,他们必须拿到版权。正所谓“闻道有先后,术业有专攻”,购买剧本版权的任务就责无旁贷地落到了lester身上。在这里,lester与剧作者max klein上演了一场忽悠与反忽悠的好戏。
max: you wanna go in production with this in one month?
lester: up like a carny ride (越早越好). look, what do you say fifteen thousand and let’s close on this?
max: alright. i enjoyed your films, the early ones. i took this meeting out of respect, because i wanted to say no to your face.
lester: thank you, very respectful.
max: mgm (米高梅电影制片公司) just capitalized for six new films; they’re screaming for sci-fi. they’re offering me four times what you guys are offering me.
lester: well, what can i say? congratulations. but see, it kind of worries me what you’re saying. let me tell you why. couple of weeks ago i was sitting at trader vic’s. i was enjoying a mai tai (媚态鸡尾酒) when my pal warren beatty comes in. seemed he was attached to star in zulu empire, which was gonna anchor that mgm slate. but warren confided in me that the picture’s gone over budget, because the zulu extras (临时演员) wanna unionize (成立工会). they may be cannibals (食人族), but they want health and dental. so the movie’s kaput (完蛋了的), which means that the mgm deal ain’t gonna happen, and your scripts ain’t worth a buffalo shit on a nickel (五分镍币)! so, the way it looks to me, through the cataracts i grant you, is that you can either sign here and take ten thousand dollars for your toilet paper script, or you can go fuck yourself!
tony: got any kids, lester?
lester: yeah, i have two daughters.
tony: see ’em much?
lester: i talk to ’em once a year, maybe.
tony: why’s that?
lester: i was a terrible father. you?
tony: yeah, i go
t a son. he lives in virginia with his mother.
lester: you divorced?
tony: taking time off. he needs to be, you know, where he is.
lester: kids need their mother.
对于经常观看美国影片的观众来说,这样的场景可谓似曾相识。事实上,整个对话对本次营救行动都无关紧要。但对于好莱坞的导演们而言,他们需要看似多余的情节传达额外的信息。我们的英雄不是钢铁战士,而是有血有肉的普通人。他肩负着把身处危难的同胞带回家的艰巨使命,同时他自己的心灵也需要有个归宿。影片最后呈现了完成任务的tony回家与妻儿团聚的场景。所以说,这次argo行动本身完成了多重使命,既帮助六个美国人回了国,也帮助一个美国人回了家。这一处déjà vu (似曾相识的感觉)无疑为电影增加了一些human touch。
万事俱备,我们的“摩西”tony化名为kevin harkins,乔装改扮只身来到德黑兰。但故事不可能如“桥到船头自然直”那般顺利,tony在德黑兰遇到的困难一茬接一茬。而他要做的第一件事就是要说服被困在加拿大使馆的六名外交官——joe stafford、mark lijek、cora lijek、lee schatz、kathy stafford和bob anders,让他们伪装身份逃离德黑兰。这对于没有经过专业训练的人来说,其困难可想而知。技术上的困难可能还比较容易克服,心理上的恐惧才是潜在的更大障碍。在这场特工与外交官的交锋中,tony摆事实、讲道理,试图化解他们的各种疑虑。这场对话从tony的自我介绍开始。
tony: hi, my name’s kevin harkins (tony的化名) and i’m gonna get you home. these are the screenplays for your cover identities.
bob: it’s theater of the absurd (荒诞派戏剧,这里表示“荒诞至极”).
mark: what are our chances?
tony: chances are good.
mark: good? well, what’s the number value of “good”? a thirty percent chance of being publicly executed?
bob: can you tell me what the objection was to normal cover identities?
tony: there are no canadians in the country for no reason.
kathy: they’ll sniff us out (认出) regardless.
mark: the swedish consul (领事), they accused him of being an american at the airport. they held him for an hour.
bob: we can’t hold upon that. we don’t know what the hell movie people do.
tony: that’s why i’m here. i’m gonna help you; i’ll be with you the whole way. this is what i do.
joe: do you know that every day they catch another friend of the shah at the airport? kangaroo (私设的法庭) trials, and then firing squads (行刑队), just for having american names in their phone books. you’ve been here an hour, and you’re asking us to trust you with our lives.
tony: i know there are risks involved, serious risks, but it is time to go.
tony知道,要说服这些人跟他逃离德黑兰,最重要的是取得他们的信任,让他们相信自己能把他们活着带回美国。这项任务并不比之前说服那些政府“大佬”容易,因为这场行动的成败直接关系到这六个人的身家性命。但即使让所有人明白他的命已经和这六个人的命系在一起,他仍然无法说服joe。他甚至用诉求的口吻对joe说“i’m asking you to trust me”,但得到的却是硬梆梆的“i don’t trust you”。tony知道,要让joe充分信任自己,就必须告诉joe关于自己的全部。