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   "hell," wrote shelley1), "is a city much like london—a populous and a smoky city." never was that more true than over one terrible weekend 61 years ago. on friday, december 5 1952, a silent, suffocating2) smog settled over the capital's streets. by the time it lifted, four days later, more than 4000 people had lost their lives in what is still officially the world's worst air pollution disaster.
   that weekend was bitterly cold and londoners stoked up3) their coal fires to keep warm, pushing pollution up a million chimneys to join the already foggy, stagnant4) air. this hung like a pall5) over the city because it was trapped in a temperature inversion6), with the cold caught beneath a warmer layer higher up. on the friday the pea-souper7) was already thicker than anyone could remember, and it went on getting worse. visibility quickly dropped to five yards all over london, and on sunday night it was officially described as "nil8)". on the monday, sadler's wells had to abandon a performance of la traviata because the audience could not see the stage, and nurses at the royal london hospital reported not being able to see from one end of their wards9) to the other. people who had set off in their cars had to abandon their cars and walk, while buses gave up and crawled back to their depots10) in nose-to-tail convoys11). two trains collided near london bridge. and sacking12) soaked in whisky was wrapped around the nostrils of cattle at the smithfield show13) to act as improvised gas masks.
   the times, in a whimsical14) if wrong-headed15) leader column, settled for16) smog scepticism, arguing that the phenomenon was both natural and well precedented17). "the fogs are ancient britons18)," it opined19). "taking advantage of a northern island, rich in rivers and diversity of soils, they roam about on their little cat feet as freely as they did before anyone had heard of smoke abatement20)." yet levels of smoke in the air appear to have peaked at 66 times "normal" levels. the results only became apparent when undertakers21) reported that they were running out of coffins and florists had sold all their flowers.
   in one sense the times was right: the great smog had been brewing22) for a long time. the first documentary record of british air pollution has henry iii's queen eleanor being forced to cut short a visit to nottingham in 1257 because of fumes23) from burning coal. her son, edward i, was the first to act against it, setting up a commission in 1285, under instructions to come up with a solution. and so it did—31 years later—banning the use of the fuel on pa

in of24) "grievous ransoms25)".

  that did not have much effect, but—as prof peter brimblecombe in his classic book the big smoke, records—the black death26) did: it killed perhaps a quarter of britons, causing land to go uncultivated27) and trees to grow back where home counties forest had once been cut down. wood became a cheaper fuel than coal.
   yet two centuries later, as he explains, wood was scarce again and coal returned. elizabeth i complained she was "greatly grieved and annoyed with the taste and smoke" of it, while james i was "moved to compassion" by the way the pollution was eating away28) at st paul's cathedral, and oversaw a law banning burning the fuel within a mile of his court.
   things only got worse. the first great smog may indeed have occurred: in november 1679 deaths rose sharply during two recorded "great stinking29) fogs". after many failed parliamentary attempts, palmerston, as home secretary, finally got some weak legislation through, but the fogs still swirl30) evilly through the works of dickens and conan doyle. in one real great smog 19 people were drowned after walking unwittingly31) into the thames, its docks and the regent's canal. and in 1892, after a succession of fogs, the author robert barr produced a novel predicting that one would wipe out32) almost the whole population of london in the mid-20th century.


  在许多著名的英国小说中,伦敦的大雾经常是重要的场景之一,著名英国作家如狄更斯(1812~1870)和柯南·道尔(1859~1930)的作品尤为如此。狄更斯的很多小说中都有伦敦大雾的身影,他在小说《荒凉山庄》(bleak house)中描写“超级雾霾”时代的伦敦时写道:“fog everywhere. fog up the river, where it flows among green aits and meadows; fog down the river, where it rolls defiled among the tiers of shipping, and the waterside pollutions of a great (and dirty) city ... (到处都是雾。雾笼罩着河的上游,在绿色的小岛和草地之间飘荡;雾笼罩着河的下游,在鳞次栉比的船只之间、在这个大[而脏的]都市河边的污秽之间滚动,滚得它自己都变脏了。) ”柯南·道尔则常常把福尔摩斯探案故事的背景设在伦敦的大雾中,为他的侦探故事更添神秘色彩。
   1. shelley: 指英国著名浪漫主义诗人珀西·比希·雪莱(percy bysshe shelley,1792~1822)。其代表作有《致云雀》(to a skylark)、《西风颂》(ode to the west wind)、《解放了的普罗米修斯》(prometheus unbound)等。
   2. suffocate [?s?f?ke?t] v. (使)窒息,(使)呼吸困难
  3. stoke up: 添加燃料拨旺(炉火)
  4. stagnant [?st?ɡn?nt] adj. 不流动的,呆滞的
  5. pall [p??l] n. 棺罩;墓布
  6. temperature inversion: 【气】逆温,温度逆增
  7. pea-souper [?pi??su?p?(r)] n. 黄色的浓雾,因其颜色像豌豆汤而得名,是伦敦人对这种浓雾的别称。
  8. nil [n?l] n. 无,零
  9. ward [w??d] n. 病房
  10. depot [?dep??] n. (停放公共汽车或火车头等交通工具的)车库
  11. convoy [?k?nv??] n. 同行车队
  12. sacking [?s?k??] n. 麻袋布,粗麻布
  13. smithfield show: 伦敦皇家史密斯菲尔德农业机械与技术展,是由伦敦皇家史密斯菲尔德俱乐部举办的展览会。该俱乐部旨在通过各方面的竞争和技术展示会等方式来促进或提高牛、羊、猪等家畜的繁殖和养育。
   14. whimsical [?w?mz?kl] adj. 异想天开的;离奇古怪的
  15. wrong-headed [r???hed?d] adj. 判断错误的
  16. settle for: 将就,只好如此
  17. precedented [?pres?dent?d] adj. 有先例(可援)的
  18. briton [?br?tn] n. 英国人
  19. opine [???pa?n] vt. 表达意见;认为
  20. smoke abatement: (城市的)烟雾消除。1785年蒸汽机的发明者james watt为其发明的首个“烟雾消除”装置申请了专利。
  21. undertaker [??nd?te?k?(r)] n. 殡仪员
  22. brew [bru?] vi. 酝酿
  23. fume [fju?m] n. [常作~s] (有害、浓烈或难闻的)烟,气
  24. on pain of: 违则以……处罚
  25. ransom [?r?ns?m] n. 赎金
  26. black death: 黑死病,可能是由该病患者会因皮下出血导致皮肤变黑而得名,是人类历史上最严重的瘟疫之一,约在1340年散布到整个欧洲。这场瘟疫在全世界造成了大约7500万人死亡。关于引发黑死病的病原体并无定论,人们认为这种病原体现在可能已经灭绝。
   27. uncultivated [?n?k?lt?ve?t?d] adj. 未开垦的
  28. eat away: 侵蚀
  29. stinking [?st??k??] adj. 臭的,发恶臭的
  30. swirl [sw??l] vi. 盘绕
  31. unwittingly [?n?w?t??li] adv. 不知不觉地;没有意识到地
  32. wipe out: <口>弄死,干掉
  33. harold macmillan: 哈罗德·麦克米伦(1894~1986),英国前首相(1957~1963年在位),绰号supermac。
  34. half the battle: 成功的重要条件
  35. descent [d??sent] n. 下降;降落
  36.induce [?n?dju?s] vt. 引起;导致
  37. backbencher
  [?b?k?bent??(r)] n. (尤指英国下议院的)后座议员,普通议员
  38. put down: 写下,记下
  39. private member's bill: 普通议员议案,指立法机关中不代表执政党发言的普通议员提出的议案。后座议员杰拉尔德·纳巴罗针对英国的污染和大雾提出了一项普通议员议案,该议案后来演变为1956年颁布的《空气清洁法案》。
   40. nitrogen dioxide:【化】 二氧化氮
  41. particulate [pɑ??t?kj?l?t] n. 微粒,颗粒
  42. supine [?su?pa?n] a

dj. 消极的;倦怠的
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