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  为了减少危害,减少空气污染势在必行。作为个人,除了尽量使用公共交通工具出行,我们还能做些什么呢?其实,能做的有很多。下面是美国环保署(environmental protection agency,简称epa)官方网站上提供的一些建议。
   we make choices everyday that can help reduce air pollution. below are a few ideas that you can take to help clean our air.
   at home
  * conserve1) energy—turn off appliances2) and lights when you leave the room.
  * recycle paper, plastic, glass bottles, cardboard, and aluminum3) cans. this conserves energy and reduces production emissions.
   * plant deciduous4) trees in locations around your home to provide shade in the summer, but to allow light in the winter.
   * buy green electricity-produced by low-or even zero-pollution facilities.
  * connect your outdoor lights to a timer or use solar lighting.
  * wash clothes with warm or cold water instead of hot.
  * lower the thermostat5) on your water heater to 120°f.
  buy smart [论文网]
  * buy energy star6) products, including energy efficient lighting and appliances. they are environmentally friendly products.
   * choose products that have less packaging and are reusable.
  * shop with a canvas bag7) instead of using paper and plastic bags.
  * buy rechargeable batteries for devices used frequently.
  for your health
  * check daily air quality forecasts, which tell how clean or polluted your air is, and the associated health concerns.
   * minimize your sun exposure. wear sun block and uv8) protection sunglasses.
  1. conserve [k?n?s??v] vt. 保存
  2. appliance [??pla??ns] n. 器械,装置
  3. aluminum [??lj??m?ni?m] n. 【化】铝
  4. deciduous [d??s?d?u?s] adj. 每年落叶的
  5. thermostat [?θ??m?st?t] n. 温度自动调节器,恒温器
  6. energy star: 能源之星,是美国能源部和美国环保署于1992年共同推行的一项政府计划,旨在更好地保护环境、节约能源,最早在电脑产品上推广。现在纳入此认证范围的产品已达三十多种,如家用电器、制热/冷设备、电子产品、照明产品等。
   7. canvas bag: 帆布包
  8. uv: (= ultraviolet)紫外线辐射

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