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Go for Gold!


  在2012年伦敦奥运会期间涌现的众多奥运歌曲中,“go for gold!”以其清新自然的曲风和充满动感的节奏赢得了大家的喜爱。歌曲的演唱者及词曲作者是波士顿流行摇滚乐团the click five的主唱兼吉他手kyle patrick。kyle以青春向上的风貌向所有运动员传递了一种健康积极的精神。当你站在赛场上,不要迟疑,不要胆怯,因为这是你的赛场,这是你展现自我的时刻。只要朝着自己的目标去努力,nothing's impossible。让赛场和亿万观众见证你挥洒的汗水和付出的努力,即使失败了也可以重整旗鼓,磨练自我,四年后再回赛场,奋力一搏。
   这首歌不论是歌词还是曲风都强有力地与体育精神和赛场氛围融为一体。整首歌曲不仅向听众展示了争当第一的无上荣耀,也歌颂了失败者不服输、积极向上的体育精神。极具动感的旋律让听者感受到了一种无惧困难的青春气息,同时也鼓励每一个心怀梦想的人无惧前行,go for gold,go for success,go for dream!
   let's make some history tonight
  the child inside is wild
  let's make this moment come to life
  the time is on our side
  ▲don't know what's up ahead
  it's only high and low
  picture it in your head [论文网]
  nothing's impossible
  we're gonna make it now
  we're gonna leave our mark
  let's take a shot in the dark▲
  ★ready set
  go for gold
  chasing every heartbeat
  we can feel it starting
  ready set
  go for gold
  chase it 'til we own it
  living in the moment
  ready set
  go for gold tonight
  ready set
  go for gold tonight★
  even if we fall and make mistakes
  we live, we learn, we change
  gotta keep on going every day
  and it will be worth the wait
  refrain ▲
  refrain ★
  refrain ★

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