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   1. star wars (1977)
  motion-control photography, in which a computer is used to control a long, complex series of camera movements, made possible the spaceship battles in star wars. it would have taken too long to film the scenes manually2), says anne thompson, deputy film editor at the hollywood reporter.
   2. tron (1982)
  it wasn't the first film to use computer-generated graphics and many effects were hand-drawn, but the fantasy flick3) tron was the first to use computer imagery to create a 3d world, making it one of the pioneering computer-generated imagery (cgi) films. "effects people said, 'let's see what the computer can do,'" says harry knowles, movie critic at ain't it cool news.
   3. terminator 2: judgment day (1991) [论文网]
  "morphing" was first used in willow (1988), but in t2 the effect was "jaw-dropping", knowles says. the liquid-metal robot's humanoid4) texture, which was layered onto a cg model, looked frighteningly real.
   4. cliffhanger (1993)
  faux5) alpinist6) stallone was held up7) by wires that were later digitally removed. the ability to erase wires changed how stunts8) are done: now stars and stuntmen can be put in real-world environments as well as in front of green screens.
   5. jurassic park (1993)
  although they enjoyed only about 6 minutes of screen time, jurassic park's digital dinosaurs were a revelation9): they introduced cgi live animals with realistic movements, and believably textured muscles and skin. the photorealistic digital elements were intercut10) with animatronic11) dinosaurs.
   6. forrest gump (1994)
  while most filmmakers in the early '90s used digital effects to create fantasy, the creators of forrest gump altered history. using kodak's cineon system, they digitized archival12) footage13), and composited tom hanks's character into historical clips.
   7. the perfect storm (2000)
  although much previous work had been done to make cgi water look real, the perfect storm's monster wave scene set a new benchmark14). "water is an organic thing that's hard to create in software," says andy maltz of the motion picture academy of arts and sciences. "to make it look believable was a big thing."
   8. the lord of the rings (2001)
  for the huge battle scenes in the lord of the rings trilogy, the filmmakers created massive, a computer program that generates crowds of artificially intelligent individuals "who make their own decisions based on behavior patterns", knowles says. this makes for more realistic battles.

 9. the polar express (2004)
  director robert zemeckis used a large motion-capture stage and up to 200 cameras to gather data from the performance of tom hanks and other ac

tors. this data was used to help animators create digital versions of the actors while maintaining their performances.
   10. the day after tomorrow (2004)
  the creators of the film about worldwide climatic disaster took more than 50,000 photos of new york city and scanned them into a computer, providing "a 3d, photorealistic model of the city", anne thompson says. after that, destroying the metropolis15) with a giant digital wave was a piece of cake.
   1. 《星球大战》(1977年)
   2. 《电子世界争霸战》(1982年)
  尽管《电子世界争霸战》不是首部采用电脑绘图技术的电影,并且该片的许多特效是手绘完成的,但是这部科幻电影却是首部采用电脑图像来绘制三维世界的影片。这使它成为采用电脑绘图技术(cgi)的先驱影片之一。ain't it cool news网站的电影评论员哈利·诺尔斯说:“特效人员说,‘让我们看看电脑能做些什么吧’。”
   3. 《终结者2:审判日》(1991年)
   4. 《绝岭雄风》(1993年)
   5. 《侏罗纪公园》(1993年)
   6. 《阿甘正传》(1994年)
   7. 《完美风暴》(2000年)
   8. 《魔戒》(2001年)
   9. 《极地特快》(2004年)
   10. 《后天》(2004年)
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