原文作者:norman xin
in the beginning, i walked around the block. or a couple of blocks. it didn’t seem to matter. that it didn’t matter was in itself novel1). it had been a long time since i had gone out without any particular destination or direction, without knowing whether i was going to turn left or right at the end of the front walk.
i had no idea where all this was leading, though i like to think that even then i felt something tugging2) below the surface, the way a fisherman feels vibrations on a taut3) line and wonders whether something’s biting or it’s just the weight brushing at the bottom.[论文网]
the simple aimlessness of it made me feel like a kid again. back then, i was always out, had to be out, couldn’t bear not being out. home from school, i shed books and disappeared, the parental refrain of “be home in time for dinner” trailing behind me.
pete, with his boundless enthusiasm for the outside world, was like the reincarnation4) of that juvenile self. we’d hit the sidewalk and, like two kids with nothing special to do, spend a half hour meandering5) about. we were suburban vagabonds6). in the mornings, with the whole world rushing to get somewhere, there was something almost subversive7) about roaming around with a companion who had no responsibilities.
and every once in a while, there’d be a night when the simple act of going away from the house and not coming back was like a scene from it’s a wonderful life8). i remember one snowy night. this was one of those times when i really didn’t want to go out with the dog. there had been a party; i was a little tipsy9); the house was warm; my bed beckoned10). i had practically forgotten that we had a dog until i heard pete’s desperate reminder, a single yip11), issued from the direction of the front door.
i felt put upon12). what was the story with this animal, this beast with its primitive needs? how could it continually rely on me to provide this escort13) service? was it my fault that dogs hadn’t kept up with their evolutionary development? where did this sense of entitlement14) come from? was there a clause in some ancient contract between people and dogs?
i tried the last refuge15) of the reluctant dog walker—opening the back door and pointing to the backyard. shouldn’t that be good enough? do i expect a trip to the bathroom to be recreational? get it over with, while i watch from the window. but pete was having none of it. it was a showdown16). all or nothing. he was incredibly stubborn sometimes. it had to be a real walk, him and me together, out the front door into the bigger world.
finally, cursing loudly, i surrendered. pete watched my every move as i put on boots, coat, scarf, and hat. at least he had the tact17) to forgo the celebra
tory tap dance18). out we went into the gentle night.
the snow was coming down hard, in big, sticky flakes. i shuffled down the walk, plowing two clean lines with my feet. the snow clung to every horizontal surface—tree branches, the curving contours19) of cars, house roofs, and porch railings.
the houses were all dark—not even the flicker20) of tv light. my virtuous neighbors were all asleep. no cars had come up the street yet. by morning, it would be plowed, shoveled, compressed, salted, melted, blown away. but for now, snowflakes lay undisturbed in airy piles.
i let pete off the leash. he trotted21) ahead, up the hill, pausing to raise his leg at the fire hydrant22). even the hydrant’s small hexagonal23) top had a perfect plug of snow standing on it. the air was bracing24), like a pinch of snuff25) in each nostril.
it was, in a word, beautiful. and i found myself reflecting once again on this minor miracle of dog walking: how, forced to do something—even something you really, really didn’t want to do—you could end up feeling grateful for it.
i felt wide-awake and strangely energetic. in the streetlights, i could see the precise slant26) of the snowfall. the low cloud ceiling reflected the light from the nearby city, making the sky unnaturally bright. i made a few snowballs and tossed them in pete’s direction. they disintegrated in the snow at his feet. finally, he caught one on the fly—or at least half of it.
we came around the last leg27) of our around-the-block journey. the house came into view. its simple rectangular28) shape, its snow-covered roof and smoking chimney made it look like a child’s drawing. curtains framed the darkened windows of the rooms. up there, on the second floor, the children and janet were sleeping.
how had all this happened? out of a series of unplanned moves—marrying, having children, moving here—life had taken a good turn. it had all added up to something, after all.
pete peed on his favorite telephone pole, the last stop before the house. claire’s cat, who had slipped out with us, was pacing in front of the door. i loved the animals’ sense of entitlement, their certainty that this place belonged to them, as well as to us. i had created not just a home—but a den, too! i let them both in ahead of me.
soon we’d all be asleep. pete would find a spot on the floor of the upstairs landing or, more likely, on one of the children’s beds. he’d lose himself in dreams, feet twitching in anticipation of tomorrow’s adventures. he’d be the first one up, nudging the oblivious children awake. there would be no sleeping in29) when fresh snow was on the ground.
1. novel [?n?v(?)l] adj. 新奇的,新鲜的
2. tug [t?ɡ] v. 用力拖(或拉)
3. taut [t??t] adj. (绳子等)拉紧的,绷紧的
4. reincarnation [?ri??nkɑ?(r)?ne??(?)n] n. 化身
5. meander [mi??nd?(r)] vi. 漫步,闲逛
6. vagabond [?v?ɡ?b?nd] n. 流浪者,漂泊者
7. subversive [s?b?v??(r)s?v] adj. 颠覆性的
8. it’s a wonderful life:电影《生活多美好》(1946)。影片主人公乔治在圣诞夜丧失了对生活的信心,准备自杀。于是,上帝派了一个天使来帮他渡过这个危机。在天使的指引下,乔治看到了如果自己没有来到这个世界,很多人的人生会变得不幸和痛苦。他由此明白了自己生命的价值所在,重新鼓起了生活的勇气。电影中有一个场景,乔治面对困境不知所措,在漫天大雪中走出家门。
9. tipsy [?t?psi] adj. 微醉的
10. beckon [?bek?n] vi. 召唤;引诱
11. yip [j?p] n. 〈口〉犬吠声
12. put upon:利用,占便宜;使成为牺牲品
13. escort [?esk??(r)t] n. 护送,陪同
14. entitlement [?n?ta?t(?)lm?nt] n. 权利,资格
15. refuge [?refju?d?] n. 权宜之计,招数
16. showdown [?????da?n] n. 摊牌;最后的一决雌雄
17. tact [t?kt] n. 机敏;圆滑;老练
18. tap dance:踢踏舞
19. contour [?k?nt??(r)] n. 轮廓;外形
20. flicker [?fl?k?(r)] n. 闪烁,忽明忽暗
21. trot [tr?t] vi. 小跑
22. hydrant [?ha?dr?nt] n. 消防栓
23. hexagonal [?heks?ɡ?n?l] adj. 六边形的
24. bracing [?bre?s??] adj. 令人振奋的;使人心旷神怡的
25. snuff [sn?f] n. (一撮)鼻烟
26. slant [slɑ?nt] n. 倾斜;斜线
27. leg [leɡ] n. (旅行或飞行中的)一段行程
28. rectangular [rek?t??ɡj?l?(r)] adj. 长方形的
29. sleep in:睡懒觉