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as invited by the american bible society to find out why so many of their publications of the scriptures were so seldom read and so frequently misunderstood.”“人们在讲座和写文章时常说我翻译了《圣经》,对语言学和翻译所知甚多。然而,我从来没有翻译过《圣经》中的哪章哪节出版,也不是哪个翻译机构的译员。我仅仅从事语言和文化的研究,而且由于有这方面的研究,美国《圣经》学会便邀请我了解为什么他们的许多《圣经》译本很少人爱用,又常常被误解。”(笔者译,下同)
但是,他对世界各地的《圣经》翻译做出了杰出贡献。在1943至1981年长达38年的时间里,奈达一直担任美国《圣经》学会的语言咨询员(language consultant),周游列国,指导《圣经》翻译。
所以,严格说来,奈达不是翻译家,而是语言学家、翻译理论家。整理:WWW.11665.COM 。
奈达的学术成就斐然,但非常谦虚谨慎。在fascinated by language一书的第139页他写道:“in writing all my different books and articles, i have always endeavored to test ideas with audiences by encouraging their responses and by carefully reading their facial expressions as i speak. i am extremely indebted to those who question what i have said and who argue with me. in a recent series of lectures in ten different universities in china, i asked people to write out their questions and comments, which i responded to as meaningfully as i could but i kept all the slips and used them as the basis for the book on contexts in translating .”“无论写何种书或文章,我都要争取多多了解人们对我的观点的看法,鼓励他们发表意见,注意观察他们听我说话时的表情。我特别感谢那些对我的话提出质疑的人,与我辩论的人。我后来在中国十所大学作一系列讲座时,请听众把问题和意见写在纸上,尽量清楚作答。那些纸条我都保留着,后来用作了《翻译与语境的关系》一书的资料。”
奈达在fascinated by language一书的第140页自称是一个不拘一格的人和讲究实际的人(an eclectic and a pragmatic)。他说:“in the three areas of research in which i have been involved throughout my life, namely, linguistics, cultural anthropology, and bible translation, i have always been fearful of holistic systems, whether ideological or linguistic, but i have always been open to ideas that produce valuable and measurable results. particular data and insights can be accepted as relevant and true, but building these into systems of thought can stifle creativity and lock minds shut to
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