abstract: from the different country's foreign tourist's in tourism activity demand and the psychological change is diverse and complex, this needs english guide to utilize ingeniously “watches a person's every mood” discovers foreign tourist's many kinds of demands. in light of this, the article from “watches a person's every mood” angle embarking, provides some meaningful suggestions for english guide's explanation work. key word: watches a person's every mood”; english tour guide; foreign tourist
前 言
事实上,英文导游员通过观察外国游客的装扮不仅可以了解其职业、爱好、社会身份、性格气质、文化修养、信仰观念、风俗习惯等多方面内容,还可以为其与游客之间的互动交流找到一些合适的话题。比如,有一次,一位英文导游员带领一个英国旅游团游览南京中山陵时,观察到那天几乎所有的游客都换掉了前两天穿的休闲服,而是穿上了比较正式的服装。尤其是几位年龄比较大的老年游客,甚至穿上了深色西服并打上了领带。导游员看在了眼里,记在了心上。当团队一行人开始向中山陵行进时,这位英文导游员开始对孙中山先生的生平事迹进行介绍了,其中他还特意提到:“all chinese people respect to him and as a matter of fact, lots of foreigners come here to pay homage to his mausoleum. look at you, you are wearing suits and i know you how much you appreciate him and respect him. as a chinese, i just want to say: thanks a lot!(speaking with a bow) (译文:中国人都非常尊重孙先生,而且事实上,很多外国人也来到中山陵在拜谒这位伟大的领袖。看看你们,你们都穿着西服和套装,我知道你们真的是非常欣赏并尊重孙先生的。作为中国人,我非常感谢你们!(鞠躬))”。这样一来,不仅增强了外国游客们对孙中山先生的尊敬之情和对中山陵的敬仰之心,同时也拉近了导游与游客的距离,让团队的气氛变得更加融洽与和谐。
it makes me much stronger; i like playing chess, for, it makes me more clever; and i like reading books, for, 'reading makes one perfect'". during the introduction, the teacher should use the new vocabularies and sentence structures together with a vivid expression and mating gestures as possibly as he can. he smiles when he says hello to the class; he shakes hands with some students saying "nice to meet you"; he writes name down on the blackboard; he imitates the action of dribbling and shooting at the basketball, playing chess and turning pages to explain his hobby. after his introduction, the teacher can create a circumstance for the students to practice: "mary and jack are new classmates. they are walking together in the street, and they meet one of jack's old friends, yangpei. then yangpei and mary are introduced to each other by jack." after the students' practice the dialogue is introduced naturally from it. usually, the application of body language in different situations will result in an attracting and successful lesson.
3. body language helps to improve reading
the purpose of senior english teaching is to train the students' preliminary ability of using spoken and written english. in the senior school, we lay emphasis one the reading ability that serves the students' further study. here we mainly mention the helpfulness for reading aloud(朗读). reading aloud helps the students to get a correct pronunciation and intonation and to develop the combination of vocabularies' pronunciation, spelling and meaning. furthermore it also helps the students to find out the article's internal feelings and appreciate the beauty of the language. a linguist ever said: "a poem is not a poem until it is read." reading aloud is basic in the middle school, and the teachers should make full use of body language to develop the students' ability of reading aloud.
when reading the sentences, attention should be paid to where to speak softly, emphasize, and raise or lower our tone. to make it clear, we can imitate the strong or soft pats that are used in music teaching, which means to use the arcs to represent different tones. generally speaking, we use falling tones in declarative and special interrogative sentence, first rising tones and then falling tones in the choosing interrogative sentence. the students in the middle school are not often accustomed to and always confuse them, however, with the help of body language, they can solve the problem much more easily. for example, they use gestures. as they read the choosing interrogative sentence, they raise their hands in rising tones and lower in falling tones. after training for some times, as soon as they read the sentences, they will remind themselves of the gestures. as a result, there will be no problems in rightly reading the sentences at all.
in a word, the vivid gesture together with the fluent english can create a good circumstance of learning, which will surely play an active part in improving the students' reading ability.
4. body language helps to improve writing.
writing is one of the four basic skills of learning language, and it is so important a skill that we can even say without it, people can't communicate with others. not only should the students get some english knowledge and vocabularies, but also the ability to communicate in spoken and written english as what is mentioned in the teaching programs. to some extent, writing is much more important than speaking, for it can spread without the limitation of space and time. since the students learn english as a media for communication, they should have the ability of writing.
to get rid of the students' feelings of being dull and tiring, an english teacher has to use every possible method. this is the same to the writing. teachers use different method in order to improve the students' ability of writing, among which, the application of body language can deepen the object impression, such is magnificent in developing the students' writing ability.
the linguist franklin ever said, "tell me, i'll forget; teach me, i'll remember; involve me and i'll learn." if we asked the students to write an unfamiliar composition, they would probably be unable to and feel discouraged. however, the students can write excellent articles if they have the experience. in and out of class, we should ask the students to participate some english-related activities, and then ask them to write it down. take "the first snow in winter" for example, having enjoyed themselves in the beautiful snowing and been given some hints, the students can write much better a composition. for contrast to their complete imagination, the students are deeply impressed by the body movement of the teachers and themselves, which surely leads to a better article.
iv. conclusion
learning english needs practice. the 45 minutes in class is very precious and should be cherished, during which the students should practice as much as possible. to exert the limited time, teachers are required to adopt some effective methods. the use of body language can not only attract the students' attention, but also deepen their impression and imagination. the use of body language is completely up to the standard of audio-visual teaching principle, so teachers should try to teach in english from the beginning to the end, together with the corresponding body language. in the end, the students' ability of english will be certainly and greatly improved.
1. he guangkeng, the basis of english teaching and learning methods, ji nan university press, 1999
2. shen minxian, the use of the body language in elementary school, shanghai education vol. 12, 1999
3. gu xueliang, the basic technical training in english teaching, hangzhou university press, 1998.
4. hu chundiao, the english teaching and learning methods, higher education press, 1990
5. liu yongfa, liu xuan'en, the practical body language, hua wen press, 1997
6. wu zongjie, readings for applied linguistics and language teaching, zhejiang teachers' university, 1998
比如,在团队即将离开某地时,导游员规定外国游客不要再到人多眼杂的商场或商店购物。这时,一位外国游客向导游员提出了要求: i’d like to go there to buy some souvenirs for my children. ”这时,英文导游员就不能以一句简单的“sorry, you can’t ”完事,而是要向客人耐心解释为何不让他去购物的原因。导游员可以说:“i’m sorry ,but there is only one and half hours for us to leave this city, and we have to arrive at the airport to check in ahead of time. otherwise, we will be late.”这样,游客就明白了原因,也就不会对导游员产生抱怨或不良抵触情绪了。
比如,英文导游员初次接待来自美国的旅游团,最好不要用“what’s your nationality?”这样的语句发问。因为,美国是个移民国家(an immigrant country),国籍(nationality)是个相当敏感(sensitive)的话题。当你用了上面的问句提问时,在美国人听来既像是在盘问对方,也很不礼貌,除非你是联邦调查局(fbi)的工作人员。因此,用“where are you from”(你从哪里来?)或者“what’s your country of origin?”(你祖辈是哪个国家的?)更为确切和适宜。再如,英文导游员用英语赞扬外国游客。在英语是母语的外国游客看来,nice或good通常是用来赞扬他人的,比如赞扬他人敏锐的观察力。但是,赞扬自己时,则一般不用nice或good,而是用更有表达力的、更为具体的词汇,如talented等。