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Research and Application of Multimedia in English Reading Instruction for Senior Middle School Students(wy20)



the 21st century is an information age as well as a knowledge economy age. the rapid development and wide application of computers offer both great challenges and opportunities for education. as a communicational media, internet is becoming more and more important in our life and study. undoubtedly, the wide spread of multimedia technology and the advent of the internet create new opportunities for language learning and expand possibilities for using it to support english reading instruction.
multimedia and internet now are becoming the most important tools in teaching english not only because as new carriers of language they have transformed communication mode around the world, but also because they make us to share language material resources worldwide and conduct cultural communication on line. their application in class also facilitates the teacher-as-mentor mode rather than reinforcing the teacher-as-dispenser of knowledge mode. they support this paradigm of the student-centered, communicative and collaborative classroom. whether learning takes place completely online or in a multimedia classroom, students can extend their learning beyond what the traditional classroom offers for the improvement of their ability and confidence in reading and communicating in english.


keywords: multimedia   internet   english reading   senior middle school

   这篇论文由六章构成。引言部分介绍了当前高中英语阅读教学的现状及改革的必要性。第一章讲述多媒体教学的理论依据---建构主义。多媒体辅助教学最大的优点是能促进以学生为中心的教学模式,而这也正是建构主义的核心。第二章阐述了多媒体的定义,特点及构成要素。第三章回顾了国内外多媒体阅读教学的有关研究。文献回顾表明多媒体阅读教学的应用相当有限。第四章论述了高中英语阅读教学的课件设计。尝试着为一篇文章设计了一个课件和教案。第五章是关于多媒体阅读教学中教师与学生的角色。在这种教学模式中,学生才是语言学习的主体,而不是教师。教学中心从教师转移到学生。教师只是教学活动组织者,促进者,监控者和课件设计者。学生才是真正的知识的建构者。最后一章是对多媒体阅读教学的评估。通过教学实践,问卷调查及观察,我探讨了多媒体阅读教学的优缺点。 最后得出结论其优点远远超过其缺点。在附录一中我还罗列了一些有用的网址,希望能对读者有所帮助。

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