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  论文关键词:实际 实用 效率原则 翻译原则 程序化原则 谈点原则 非程式化原则 游戏原则


  key word:practicality ; practicability; efficiency; translation; formularization; talking points; de-regularization; game

  abstract:a good oral english textbook should be practical. the reality of english teaching in china is that it is tefl. so in the textbook, the content and context should be from and against chinese background and topic/theme based. based on the long time contemplation and practice, the writer list out efficiency, translation, formularization, talking points, de-regularization, game as key elements in compiling a practicable oral english textbook.





  esl口语教材以学生进入目的语环境为最终目的,认为在esl条件下,只要将进入真实语境的通道打开,学生会自动进入目的语环境并最终自行完成第二语言的习得,因此在语言内容上回避学生母语,完全从目的语国家的生活背景和语言环境中取材。本土化的流利(native like fluency)是其最高目标。目的语中最地道,最新,最当地化的表达方式比比皆是。原汁原味,洋腔洋调是其明显特征。

  但由于efl的学生是本乡本土的中国人,学英语主要是为了当翻译,而非到国外定居。他们基本上只能在课堂等有限场和讲英语,既不可能也无必要以英美人的文化方式来思维,所以efl口语教材的主要作用就是使学生能够用英语来口头表达中国人的思想感情。母语既是交流工具,又是学习目的语的出发点和参照物。而目的语在课堂上,至少在开始阶段,不但不是交流工具,有时还成了交流障碍。这里的的原汁原味可能带有土汁土味,即以中国乡土文化为背景,以学生日常生活为取材范围。这里所要学的,就不完全是英国英语或美国英语,而可能会有不少“中国英语”(chinese english)。当然这里的中国英语不是洋泾浜英语(chinglish),而是“ 中国人在中国本土上使用的、以标准英语为核心、具有中国特点的英语(汪榕培,1991)”。






  笔者认为,效率是决定教材实用性的首要因素。目前在英语教学中出现“哑吧英语”的直接原因是每个学生的平均开口时间严重不足。导致这种现象的原因众多,笔者将在以下的讨论中一一涉及。从活动形式上看,我们一般知道口语课要学生参与,教师与学生的双向交流(教师---学生)比教师到学生的单向交流(教师一一学生)重要,学生与学生的双向交流(学生---学生)在口语课中具有特殊意义。从活动规模上看,我们一般也知道,平均开口时间与口语活动规模呈负相关关系,即活动规模越大,学生平均开口时间越短。但事情的另一面是活动的可控性与活动规模呈正相关关系,即活动规模越大对教师而言可控性越强。简言之,班级活动(class work)最好控制,但效率最低,成对活动(pair work)效率最高,但最难控制。由此得出的结论应该是口语课应以最大限度地向每个学生提供开口机会为最终目标。这里的关键是途径和方法。口语教材就是要提供一种途径和方法,从而在可以控制的条件下大力开展小组(尤其是成对)活动。合理的解决应该是活动的开始规模可以大一些,以班级活动(class work)和小组活动(group work)为主,待学生充分准备好再向小规模直至成对活动(pair work)过渡。

  下面笔者介绍一种成对活动(pair work)方式供参考,见样本1:话题与对象替换练习(topic and partner substitution exercise)说明:


  topic 1   self-introduction


  topic 2   oral english

  1) what do you think of oral english? is it difficult ?

  2) what problem do you have in oral english?

  3)  how do you solve the problems?

  4)  do you think vocabulary is very difficult? why?





  5) how do you practice you oral english?

  6)  do you often practice your oral english with your classmates?

                                    with your friends

                                    in english corner

                                    in english salon

                                    with foreigner

  7)  how do you find more chances to practice your oral english?

 8)  why do you want to speak good english?

  9)  are you confident that you can learn english well?

  topic 3   describing objects


  topic 4    daily activities


  说明:以上样本是复习课,也可以看作是“三p”模式中第三阶段“创造(production)”的强化措施。复习课可每四课后安排一次,主要进行话题与对象替换练习(topic and partner substitution exercise)。这种替换练习的优点如下:1)全部是成对活动,集中体现了效率原则,可大大提高平均每个学生的开口时间;2)对学生要求明确,有控制力,避免了一般成对活动可控性差的缺点;3)学生在成对活动中既有话可说,(话题均为过去学过的,)又可即兴发挥,避免了口语对话要么陷入沉默,要么用汉语的尴尬局面。三方面的优势可以使学生建立成就感,而成就感是使口语课成功的最重要因素。

  二.  翻译原则


important things in our life

a. listen, repeat and translate the following sentences into chinese:

1) can you list out the most important things in your life?

2) in my opinion, power is the most important.

3) money is not everything, but without money you can do nothing.

4) i take career first, with a good career, i can have everything.

5) whatever your choice is, i take friendship first.

6) i give priority to love because love can make your life meaningful.

7) you are being romantic, i don’t think love is that important.

8)i don’t have any goal in my life, i just want to live happily.

9) i’m neither an idealist nor a pragmatist,.

10) our views are not so far apart, after all.

b. translate the following into english:











  在语句的翻译中,如前所述,应该注意有中国英语的位置。谈到中国英语(chinese english),应该注意这不是一种刻意的追求,而是一种对客观存在的认可。当然,在具体操作时还要注意与“洋泾浜英语(chinglish)”有所区分。例如,“张老师”,如果翻译成“mr. zhang”, 可以算作是地道的英语(english english);翻译成“teacher zhang ”,可以算作是中国英语, (chinese english), 因为其以英语的词汇和语法表达了中国的文化思想;但是要翻译成“zhang teacher ”,则只能算作洋泾浜英语(chinglish)了,因为其既不符和英语语法习惯,也不为任何一个讲英语区域所普遍接受。中国英语包括紧贴学生日常生活的中国流行语(包括方言土语)的英语解释和表达,如“海峡两岸”,“超级女生”,“郁闷”,东北话中的“忽悠”,上海话中的“捣糨糊”等。口语教材对这些都必须有充分的表达,否则就不能算作一本实用的教材。为了使翻译练习更加生动活泼,其形式除课堂中常用的词语,句子和篇章的英译中和中译英外,还可以采用交替翻译,接续翻译,同声翻译,耳语翻译,视阅翻译(梅得明,2000。12)等。以上措施有助于恢复母语在英语口语教材中的应有地位,也可以解决口译教材高、中、低不配套问题。




  展示阶段是口语课的开始阶段,目的是不仅使学生明确要说什么(“what to talk about”).而且要使学生产生交流的强烈动机。 该阶段从信息交流的角度讲以输入(input)为主 ,输出(output)为辅 ,语料的难度应略低于学生的语言认知能力而略高于学生的语言应用能力,从词汇量上讲就是略低于学生的消极词汇量而略高于学生的积极词汇量,由于前面提到的原因最好从学生的生活实际和文化背景中取材,篇幅不宜过长,语言内容要有信息量(informative),趣味性(interesting),启发性(inspiring),即英语的三个“in-”。这样才能使学生不花费过多精力在语言材料的理解上而又使口语活动具有一定的难度和挑战性。该阶段的语言材料可以是短文,也可以是对话。短文的好处是可以较完整深入地阐述一个主题,对话的优势在于语言的实用和情景的真实。见样本3 :


a. listen and try to memorize the key points:

dear sir,

i’m a student in high school, my desk partner is my best friend. he is very kind and friendly in most cases. but sometimes i have problems with him.

one thing is that he is so precious with his things that when i ask him for something he has, he is not so willing to give , even if it’s a piece of paper. it’s quite unbelievable because when he is in trouble, i always give him anything he wants without hesitation.

the second is that he often hurts my feelings. whenever i ask him for help, he complains a lot. to make it worse, if a girl wants to borrow something from him or ask for help, he gives it quickly without complaining. so many times i ask others instead.

it often makes me think, is he really my best friend? is it what friendship means?

b. answer the following questions according to the passage:

1) what’s the speaker’s first trouble?

2) what’s the speaker’s second trouble?

3) do you have the same trouble with your friend?

4) what’s your advice to the speaker?


                                  your future plan

a. listen and try to memorize the key points:

li   : what are you going to do when you leave school?

wei  : oh, if my grades are high enough, i plan to go to shanghai tv university for senior courses.

li   : yes, i’m hoping to do the same too. well…

wei  : but i thought you said  you were going to get a new job.

li   : yes, i had intended to, but i changed my mind.

wei  : oh, why’s that?

li   : because there just aren’t any suitable jobs going at the moment—at least, not unskilled ones.

wei  :yes, it’s a real problem all right. but supposing you could have any job in the world, what would you like to do?

li   : well, if that were possible, i think i like to be a famous writer.

wei  : oh, any particular reason for choosing that?

li   : no, not really, except that it must be nice seeing your name in print.

b. answer the following questions according to the dialogue:

1) what’s wei’s plan?

2) what’s li’s plan?

3) what’s li’s original plan?

4) why did li change his mind?

5) what’s li’s ideal job?

6) what’s his particular reason for that?

7) what’s your plan for the near future?

  操练阶段的目的是使学生掌握交谈的基本材料(what to talk with)和基本技能(how to talk)。这里首先要说明的是操练阶段的重要性。尽管我们不认为学生的口语单靠刺激——反应就能完成,但一定量的机械操练肯定能强化学生对句型的记忆并为进入第三阶段铺平道路。在实践中,我们常常看到两种极端的现象同时存在:一种是上面提到的教师有意无意延长第一阶段的活动以突出自己的中心地位;另一种是在毫无过渡的情况下把学生一下推到自由发挥(即本文所说的第三阶段)阶段,结果往往使学生有自由而无从发挥,进而产生挫折感。为了避免这种现象,操练项目的安排应该是按目的和形式细分,尽量做到机械而不枯燥。第二阶段从信息交流的角度讲以输入和输出并重,因此信息的难度应基本等于学生的语言应用能力。根据donn byrne(1976),实践阶段的操练可以大致分为指导性(guided),意义性(meaningful)和扩展性(extensive)三类。

  尽管我们不认为学生的口语单靠刺激——反应就能完成,但一定量的机械操练肯定能强化学生对句型的记忆并为进入第三阶段铺平道路。在实践中,我们常常看到两种极端的现象同时存在:一种是上面提到的教师有意无意延长第一阶段的活动以突出自己的中心地位;另一种是在毫无过渡的情况下把学生一下推到自由发挥(即本文所说的第三阶段)阶段,结果往往使学生有自由而无从发挥,进而产生挫折感。为了避免这种现象,操练项目的安排应该是按目的和形式细分,尽量做到机械而不枯燥。第二阶段从信息交流的角度讲以输入和输出并重,因此信息的难度应基本等于学生的语言应用能力。根据donn byrne(1976),实践阶段的操练可以大致分为指导性(guided),意义性(meaningful)和扩展性(extensive)三类。




/ pencil box …

you asked for

he wanted



lost / mislaid /

borrowed /

stolen …

photographs / maps/ pictures/ pens…



t(eacher): (now repeat my sentence) the book you asked for has been lost.

s(dudent): the book you asked for has been lost.

t: dictionary

s: the dictionary you asked for has been lost.

t: he wanted

s: the dictionary he wanted has been lost.

t: mislaid

s: the dictionary he wanted has been mislaid.



t: (points to the man outside the door and ask the student to repeat the sentence.) mr. wang is standing outside the door.

s: mr. wang is standing outside the door.

t: (points to the boy watching tv.)

s: the boy is watching tv.


t: (points to the man outside the door. ) mr. wang was standing outside the door of the sitting room. he didn’t go in. (now ask the students to repeat his last sentence.) if he had gone into the room, he would have seen his wife cleaning the window.

s: if he had gone into the room, he would have seen his wife cleaning the window.

t: (points to the boy watching tv.)

s: if he had gone in, he would have seen his boy watching tv.


t: zhang san was hungry, so he had a bowl of noodle. (ask any student to repeat the first half of the sentence and suggest other possibilities in the second half.)

s1: zhan san is hungry, so he had a steamed bread.

s2: zhan san is hungry, so he had a bowl of porridge.

t:  li si was thirsty, so she had a cup of tea.( ask any student to go on with the exercise.)

s1: li si was thirsty, so she had a bottle of cola.

s2: li si was thirsty, so she had a glass of mineral water.


t:  i hear that there is going to be a meeting tomorrow. if someone rings me, i’ll say i’m busy. now make your excuses.

s1: if he asks me, i’ll say i’m ill.

s2: if he rings me, i’ll say i’m not in shanghai

  创造阶段的目的是使学生相对自由地开口进行交流(to talk)。说实话,目前国内许多口语教材中对该阶段的处理从量上明显不足,形式也很单一,认为既然有了第一和第二阶段的实践,第三阶段有几个问题让学生谈谈就行了。首先应该指出,该阶段应该是教材的主菜,是口语课的性质、目的与结果的集中体现,也是检验全课成败的关键。由于其重要性,笔者将在以下几节中详细说明。


  在具体教学中,很多教师早已认识到efl与esl的不同,逐渐从意念,情景为中心转为以话题为中心,并且在选择话题时注意到一般话题,热门话题,有争议话题的作用和区别。所以,在不少以话题为结构方式的教材中,编者是很重视话题的选择的。但是,在教学实践中,我们发现要是讨论热烈展开,光有话题是远远不够的。要保证讨论的深入,决非把话题推给学生了事,而必须精心地设计谈点。笔者认为,谈点设计既能体现编辑者的水平,也是一本口语教材成功与否的关键所在。一方面,没有话题只有谈点也可以展开讨论。如一位老师走进课堂,指着自己外衣上划开的口子问大家:“guess what happened to me?” 学生自然就纷纷猜测,七嘴八舌。另一方面,即使是好的,倍受青年人关注的话题,如“love” 来讲,没有谈点的引导,照样引不起大家热烈的讨论。但如果你用以下的谈点来启发,情况就会不一样,见样本10:

1)  what is the proper age to get married ?

2)what do most people do on a date ?

3)when is it ok to kiss someone ?

4)  is it better to be single or married ?

5)  why is love happen between two particular people ?

6)  what is role of good looks in love ?


    有些专家认为,鉴于我国目前多数课堂仍然必须依赖统一教材,对口语教材的题型必须进行非程式化处理,以使其多样化,从而克服单调重复,使学生兴趣降低的顽症 ( 陆明2001) 。换言之,我们一方面要认识到规范的必要性,因为它是课堂教学的一般规律,但同时要充分认识口语课堂的特殊性,即口语课是以学生自主参与为特征,诉诸发散性思维,那么期待感/意外/惊喜等要素就是教材的必须了。规范与变化无疑是口语教材的两难境地。传统教材往往强调前者而牺牲后者。但教学实践却处处提醒我们后者的重要性 。这就需要我们对教材进行非程式化处理。


   tips on love (by american kids, 5-10 years of age):

1)  what is the proper age to get married ?

"eighty-four, because at that age, you don't have to work anymore, and you can spend all your time loving each other in your bedroom."(judy, 8)

"once i'm done with kindergarten, i'm going to find me a wife."(tom, 5)

2. what do most people do on a date ?

“on the first date, they just tell each other lies, and that usually gets them interested enough to go for a second date.”(mike, 10)

3. when is it ok to kiss someone ?

 "never kiss in front of other people. it's a big embarrassing thing if anybody sees you. but if nobody sees you, i might be willing to try it with a handsome boy, but just for a few hours." (kally, 9)

4. is it better to be single or married ?

"it's better for girls to be single but not for boys. boys need somebody to clean up after them"(lynette, 9)

"it gives me a headache to think about that stuff. i'm just a kid. i don't need that kind of trouble."(kenny, 7)

5. why is love happen between two particular people ?

 "i think you're supposed to get shot with an arrow or something, but the rest of it isn't supposed to be so painful."(harlen, 8)

6.what is role of good looks in love ?

 "it isn't always just how you look. look at me. i'm handsome like anything and i haven't got anybody to marry me yet."(gary, 7)




  要引进游戏活动,笔者感到以下定义很有启发性:“(在语言教学中)游戏是一种有组织的活动,往往具有以下特点:有特定的任务和目标,有一系列规则,对参与者而言具有竞争性,通过参与者之间的口/笔语交流来进行。”(richards, 1995)具体说来,在教材的编写中一要体现教师对于游戏活动的引导和监控,二要体现学生的自主参与。作为教材的一部分,每次的游戏都应有明确的教学任务和目标,都应该与教学总体内容一致起来。为了更好地确定教学目标,可以先将游戏进行分类(注2),再按教材进度进行编排。在教材编写中,要制订明确的规则,既发扬游戏的娱乐性又要缩小其不可控性。应该说,以提高口语能力为目的的游戏,无论其是否以竞赛为形式,都具有很强的竞争性。这也是口语游戏的魅力所在。

  最后,教材中要求用英语给出(开始阶段可配汉语翻译)可帮助教师用英语交代游戏规则。 教材中更应提供必要的英语表达方式以避免学生在活动中回到母语。先请看样本12:

          初级游戏:               preposition cards

level:    beginner-intermediat

aim:    review of the usage of prepositions.

procedure: divide the class into groups of  4--6 and give one set of preposition cards to each group.

requirement: the teacher says a noun, a verb or an adjective or a phrase ,(or writes it on the blackboard.) then the students think of a sentence using the teacher’s word and one of the prepositions on their cards. the student  who thinks his/her sentence is right can raise his/her hand and the teacher nominates him/her. he/she reads out the sentence. if the teacher says “correct” (the sentence is correct in grammar and meaning),the student can put that preposition card aside. the procedure is repeated until any of the groups surrender all their cards and become the winner of the game.

(photo copy the following picture. cut the paper off along the lines)



















   argumentation   " live to work or work to live?"


     approval                                        disapproval :

1) sounds like a good idea.                        oh come on.

2) i can't agree more.                             what for ?

3) i'm sure it will be well received.                  that's silly.

4) what a wonderful idea!                         do you really think so ?


argument (live to work)

1) a good job can give the doer a 1ot of enjoyment.

2) people work to realize their own value .

3) if i don't like my job, i will quit it.

4) work that is worth doing gives one mental satisfaction.

5) people often like to do the job they enjoy even if the pay is low.

6) work means experience, self-development, creation, etc.

7) one should have a goal in his live, work is the most important way to realize the


8) one who lives to work is the happiest person in the world.

9) people change their jobs because of many  reason other than money.

10) people want many things in life, work helps them to get them.

counter-argument (work to live)

1) work is work, play is play,  they are different.

2) i work to survive, otherwise i won't work.

3) for most people, work has little value.

4) nobody, except work freak, likes working.

5) to work is to earn money, it’s the money that can buy happiness.

6) in modern time, working hours are getting less and less, that means nobody likes to

  work, everybody like to play.

7) work means something you don't like to do, play means something you like to do.

8) work is always tiresome, tedious, that's work.

9) if you like work, why do you want pay, rest and holidays.

10) i have a goal in my live, that is, not to work.


  综上所述,认清efl这个大背景是一本好的英语口语教材的出发点。中国特色不能丢,翻译不是脏水,是孩子;中国式的英语(chinese english)不是一种刻意的追求,而是一种客观实际。教材应将各种活动用话题穿成一个有机体,前后照应,既使传统的词汇语法项目有一个循序渐进的展现和重复,又要提供途径和方法使学生有机会在深入讨论话题的同时实践和展示自己的口语表达能力。也就是说,只有既符合课堂教学规律,又能保证每个学生都充分参与口语活动的口语教材才是一本实用的教材。


〔1〕 donn byrne   teaching oral english longman handbook for language teachers first edition〔m〕  australia  longman group ltd.  1976.4 p.120-130

〔2〕 richards  longman dictionary of language teaching and applied linguistics〔m〕first edition  new york  plat & plats  1995 .8   p.68

〔3〕 范烨 芮渝萍 进路与出路  第一版〔m〕 重庆 重庆出版社  1998年6月    第 25---40 页  

〔4〕 陆明 从口语与口语教学特点看口语教材  外语界 〔j上海 上海外语教育出版社 2001年第2期 第 15 页

〔5〕孙艳 王大伟  输入与输出对口语发展的影响   外语界〔j〕上海 上海外语教育出版社  2003年第3期 第 59 页

〔6〕李争鸣 为英语口语活动设计小组讨论外语界 〔j〕上海   上海外语教育出版社 2003年第5期    第30--36 页

〔7〕丘保华  中国人讲英语 第一版 〔m〕 上海 上海科学普及出版社   2001年12月   第 20---80 页

〔8〕 梅德明  口语教程 第一版〔m〕 上海 上海外语教育出版社 1998年2月  第 10 页

〔9〕. michael j. hughes 刘树惠 大胆开口说英语 第一版〔m〕西安  西安交通大学出版社 1997年3月 第20-35 页

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