with the valuable advice given by mr. xxxxxxx of xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, during the four days residential training course in vvv, and great support from nnn, e.g. mr. nnnnnnn as a mentor, this assignment was completed. the author hereby would like to take this opportunity to thank all who have been providing supports during and after the preparation of this assignment.
1. introduction 3
2. sample analysis 4
3. the relevance of information security to the corporate survival 10
3.1. the importance of information to corporate operation 10
3.2. some aspects of weakening information security 10
3.3. the relevance of information security to the corporate survival 10
4. precautions to safeguard corporate information 12
4.1. the structure of computer system of cnthb 12
4.2. the precautions to safeguard corporate information 13
4.2.1. backup of hardware 13
4.2.2. backup of software 13
4.2.3. backup of power supply 13
4.2.4. passwords setting 13
4.2.5. the application of firewall technology 13
4.2.6. the application of macros for anti-virus 13
4.2.7. y2k checking 14
5. recommendations and conclusions 15
6. reference 16
figure 1: the simplified flow chart of rgc production 6
figure 2: the t_fpy monthly of rgc production 7
figure 3: the factors of t_failure 7
figure 4: the f_fpy monthly of rgc production 8
figure 5: the factors of f_failure 8
figure 6: the flow chart of data & information of mv production 11
figure 7: the simplified logical structure of cnthb扴 computer network system 12
table 1: the output of rgc production 4
table 2: the record of tightness testing 4
table 3: the record of final checking 4
table 4: the statistic list of rgc production 5