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Literal translation VS free translation
1. introduction
china has an over five thousand years long history of human civilization and a three thousand years history of translation. it was during the han dynasty (206 bc - 220 bc) that translation became a medium for the dissemination of foreign learning. during these years, the issue of whether to translate literally or freely has existed since the very beginning of chinese translation theory history, but after thousands of years there still has not been a satisfactory answer to it. almost all the major chinese theorists of translation, as well as most leading scholars and writers, have taken one side or the other, though several have argued for a compromise, advancing arguments that some accept while others do not (leo tak-hung chan 2004: 179). similarly, concerning the christian translation of the old and new testament in the west, there was the same kind of controversy: translation committees were summoned and dismissed time and again because there was a division of opinion between whether to adopt the literal or sense-for-sense approach. in fact, the contention has lasted to the present day (dong qiusi 1951: 225).

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