学 会多 种 表 达 方 法
a well composed essay is supposed to include all kinds and types of sentences, while utilizing as many sentences structures as possible.
let’s try paraphrasing a simple sentence, seeing how much we can do in restructuring and rephrasing them:
英语也是一样。每句话都有多种不同的说法,既可以这样说,也可以那样说。 多种表达可以运用词汇和语法手段,如同义词的替代、反义词的换用、句型的变换(长句改短句、复合句改简单句、几个意义相关的简单句改为复合句)、语态、时态、引语的改更、人称的改变。甚至正话反说,反话正说,这样,使英语更加娴熟、运用自如。还可以利用修饰手段,在准确的基础上力求使说的话和写的文章更加明白准确、更加庄重得体、更加委婉诙谐,更加细腻富有情感,更加具有感染力和可读性而不至于索然寡味。
suppose you are mary, ask your partner those questions.
pretend you are jim or kate, and say something about the picture.
imagine your are librarian. then make up a dialogue between you and the student.
学会用不同的方式解释同一事物(how to explain things in different ways)。传统的教学方法也进行替换练习,只是语言层面的替换,而不是思维层面的替换。比如:i love you. 传统的教学方法也进行替换练习,就是i love her. i love my mother.其中her, my mother 替换了you。显而易见,这种替换没有对智力构成挑战,不能启动思维。如果替换成i want to kiss you. i want to hug you. i will show my heart to you等,才是真正的替换。
1. 改变词或词组:小词换大词,大词换小词。小词是拼写字母少,口语中常用的词汇;大词是拼写字母多,书面语中常用的词汇。一般来说,词的字母越长越高贵。
你好 hi./ hello! good morning! / good afternoon!/nice to meet you.
谢谢 thank you. / thanks. / many thanks. / it’s very nice of you. /be grateful to sb. for st. / thank you ever so much (真是太谢谢你了). thank you just the same. /we greatly appreciate your timely help.(我们非常感谢你们的及时帮助)。
不用谢 not all. / that’s ok. / that’s all right. / you’re welcome. / forget it. / drop it. / my pleasure. / don’t mention it.
再见 bye-bye./ bye! / good bye! / see you. / see you later./ see you soon./ farewell! / good luck to you./ good trip to you. / have a good day. / take care. / so long. / cheerio! /nice meeting you./call me if you need my help./drop by my home sometime.
现在还好吗? how are you?
how are you doing?
好,很好 good! that’s a good! ok! not bad! great! wonderful! cool! neat! nice! fine! all right! excellent! perfect!
代我向你父母问好。extend my compliments to your parents./send or give my love to your parents.
remember me to your parents. / say hello to your parents for me.
give my regards to your parents. / give my respects to your parents.
please give your parents my warmest regards.
may i ask who is calling? (this sentence is right.)
"hello, who’s speaking, please?" (this sentence is ok.)
can you tell me who you are? (this sentence may sound rude in english)
i am not interested in it. (this sentence may sound rude in english)
i’m sorry. i am not interested in it. (this sentence is right.)
懂了吗?do you understand?/ could you understand what i said? / could you catch me? / could you follow me? could you see my point? / am i clear?/may i made me understood?/could you get my point?
我最喜欢钓鱼。what i like best is fishing. (第三册第1单元2课课文注释p.199)
i like fishing best. / fishing is my favor. / my favorable hobby is fishing. / i prefer fishing. / i enjoy fishing./ be fond of fishing/ i care for fishing best.
她非常喜欢看排球比赛。she adores going to the volleyball match.
你需要帮助吗?(第三册第266页) are you need of help? / do you need help?
请你帮帮忙好吗?would you help me? would you like to help me? would you give me your hands? would you do my favor? /could you give me a hand?
我可以问您几个问题吗?can i ask you some questions?/may i ask you some questions?/ might i trouble you with a few questions?
我的电脑死机了。my computer crashed./ my computer halted./ the computer is down.
这本书值得一读。this book is worthy of being read [to be read]. / it’s worth seeing [hearing, reading]
他比我大三岁。he is my senior by three years. /hehe is three years senior to me.
休息一会儿。 rest break recess relax refresh repose take ten.(休息十分钟)
2. 改变时态
say and write the following sentences in another way (将下列句子用另外一种方式表达):
1. do you have any pork here? (have you got any pork here?)
2. we have beef and potatoes. (we have got beef and potatoes.)
3. they don’t have (i havn’t got any pepper.)
4. i have only a little sugar. (i have got only a little sugar.)
5. what do you do recently? (what have you got recently?)
你学英语多长时间了?how long have you been studying english?
how long have you studied english?
how long did you study english?