1."...it is hard enough to start ……
2."we are old fossils.we are part of another world.a world ofdinosaurs"用“化石”“恐龙”将“落伍于时代”“历史的古董”“僵化守旧”等含义体现得淋漓尽致。
3."i was a little surprised that he had married her,but these may-december alliances are commoner than one likes to admit."一个是风华正茂,一个是风烛残年;一个是阳春,一个是隆冬。这种忘年之合,通过"may"和"december"这两个词,表达得十分贴切,体现出作者洞察事物本质的敏锐。
4."and what would it be to grow old?for after a certain distance,every step we take in life we find the ice growing thinner below our feet,and all around us and behind us we see our contemporaries going through."“如履薄冰”形容晚年生命朝不保夕;用“穿冰落水”暗喻生命的终结,含蓄而不晦涩,即使对没有冰上经验的读者也不费解。
5."it is an idle question to ask whether his books will be read a century hence;if they were all burnt as the grandest of suttees on his funeral pile,it would only be like cutting down an oak after its acorns have sown a forest."这一比喻生动地表明他的著作将永垂于世。"oak"一词本身就有“坚固”“持久”的象征意义;橡树种籽入土,百树挺起,生动表达了他的著作影响广泛、深远。
6."every one got hurt in 1970,but the investor who was up to his elbow in fast food seems to have escaped with relatively slight first degree burns."用相对轻微的“一度烧伤”来表示快餐业在其他行业普遍不景气的情况下,虽然和以前相比,盈利减少,却并未遭受严重损害。这一比喻新奇、准确,给人印象深刻。
7."...so &n
bsp;to me,on that day,he was just an executive who had been successful in the white man's world of major-league baseball-a world as far beyond my reach as the other side of the moon."在棒球队黑、白队员严格分开的四十年代,一个黑人新手被挑选进第一流白人棒球队,这在他看来比登天还难。"the moon"已遥远之极,何况还是"the other side of the moon",这个比喻极其生动地反映了机遇之难。
以上各例均属“普遍性比喻”(universal metaphors/similes),尽管其中许多具有独创性,体现了作者丰富的想象力,但就其内容而言,仍属于人类经验和知识的共同范畴,异族读者和作者思想上的沟通毫不困难。
另有一些可称作为“特定文化型”的比喻(cultural metaphors/similes)。这些比喻具有鲜明的民族色彩或历史性、地区性特色。
1."born into a large middle-class family in lincoln,kerry received an early baptism in political discourse around the dinner table."这里作者借基督教的洗礼来说明此人因受到家庭的熏陶,早年即受到政治教育。对西方读者而言,其联想意义十分清楚。
2."from the time she was a year old,the princess had been showered with presents.her nursery looked like cartier's window.""cartier's window"这一比喻会使许多西方读者联想到这一世界闻名的繁华首饰商店橱窗里琳琅满目的高级首饰,由此可见小公主的娇惯和生活的豪华。
3."toad face fedunka just sort of sat there deflated in a high-back wing chair like a life size ball on the night after macy's thanksgiving day parade."将此人比作美国梅西百货公司感恩节游行后泄气的真人大小的气球,其沮丧之态跃然纸上。
4."if i have to be knocked out in the first round,it's a consolation to know it's done by a world champion."西方拳击运动流行,许多人对拳击比赛非常熟悉,所以,作者希望他的对手是世界冠军,这样在第一回合就被对手击倒也不丢人。这个比喻非常准确、生动。
5."my car and my body are in about the same shape."both have quite a few miles on them but they are running well and 
; i haven't had any trouble with either.all that's needed it some preventive maintenance."汽车是美国人生活中不可缺少的一个部分,车和人有着十分密切的关系;因此人车并提,十分自然。车行数万里,人过数十载,均无大碍,只需日常保养而已。这个比喻十分简洁,且妙趣横生。