(542)preface zhou tianjun
(543)the flexible global ocean-atmosphere-land system model, grid-point
version 2:fgoals-g2 李立娟 林鹏飞 俞永强 王斌 周天军 刘利 刘骥平 包庆 徐世明 黄文誉 夏坤 普业 董理 申思 刘屹岷
胡宁 刘咪咪 孙文奇 史湘军 郑伟鹏 吴波 宋米荣 刘海龙 张学洪 吴国雄 薛巍 黄小猛 杨广文 宋振亚 乔方利
(561)the flexible global ocean-atmosphere-land system model, spectral
version 2:fgoals-s2 包庆 林鹏飞 周天军 刘屹岷 俞永强 吴国雄 何编 何杰 李立娟 李剑东 李阳春 刘海龙 乔方利 宋振亚
王斌 王军 王鹏飞 王晓聪 王在志 吴波 吴统文 徐永福 于海洋 赵伟 郑伟鹏 周林炯
(577)long-term behaviors of two versions of fgoals2 in preindustrial
control simulations with implications for 20th century simulations 林鹏飞
刘海龙 俞永强 周天军
(593)seasonal evolution of subtropical anticyclones in the climate
system model fgoals-s2 刘屹岷 胡俊 何编 包庆 段安民 吴国雄
(607)performance of fgoals-s2 in simulating intraseasonal oscillation
over the south asian monsoon region 胡文婷 段安民 吴国雄
(621)annual cycle and interannual variability in the tropical pacific as
simulated by three versions of fgoals 俞永强 何杰 郑伟鹏 栾贻花
(638)historical evolution of global and regional surface air temperature
simulated by fgoals-s2 and fgoals-g2: how reliable are the model
results? 周天军 宋丰飞 陈晓龙
(658)simulation of sea ice in fgoals-g2: climatology and late 20th
century changes 徐世明 宋米荣 刘骥平 王斌 李立娟 黄文誉 刘利 夏坤 薛巍 普业 董理 申思 胡宁 刘咪咪 孙文奇
(674)preliminary evaluations of fgoals-g2 for decadal predictions 王斌 刘咪咪
俞永强 李立娟 林鹏飞 董理 刘利 刘骥平 黄文誉 徐世明 申思 普业 薛巍 夏坤 王勇 孙文奇 胡宁 黄小猛 刘海龙 郑伟鹏 吴波 周天军
(684)paleoclimate simulations of the mid-holocene and last glacial
maximum by fgoals 郑伟鹏 俞永强
(699)variation of surface temperature during the last millennium in a
simulation with the fgoals-gl climate system model 张洁 laurent li 周天军 辛晓歌
(713)relationships between the
east asian-western north pacific monsoon
and enso simulated by fgoals-s2 吴波 周天军
(726)water vapor transport and cross-equatorial flow over the
asian-australia monsoon region simulated by cmip5 climate models 宋亚娟 乔方利
宋振亚 姜春飞
(739)fgoals-s2 simulation of upper-level jet streams over east asia:
mean state bias and synoptic-scale transient eddy activity 宋丰飞 周天军
(754)simulation of the westerly jet axis in boreal winter by the climate
system model fgoals-g2 肖楚良 张耀存
(766)precipitation-surface temperature relationship in the ipcc cmip5
models 吴仁广 陈洁鹏 温之平
(779)a new weighting function for estimating microwave sounding unit
channel 4 temperature trends simulated by cmip5 climate models 张选泽 郑小谷
杨赤 骆三
(790)poleward expansion of the hadley circulation in cmip5 simulations
胡永云 陶利军 刘骥平
(796)asymmetry of surface climate change under rcp2.6 projections from
the cmip5 models 辛晓歌 程彦杰 汪方 吴统文 张洁
(806)near future (2016-40) summer precipitation changes over china as
projected by a regional climate model (rcm) under the rcp8.5 emissions
scenario: comparison between rcm downscaling and the driving gcm 邹立维 周天军
(819)oceanic climatology in the coupled model fgoals-g2: improvements
and biases 林鹏飞 俞永强 刘海龙
(841)steric sea level change in twentieth century historical climate
simulation and ipcc-rcp8.5 scenario projection: a comparison of two
versions of fgoals model 董璐 周天军
(855)evaluation of grid-point atmospheric model of iap lasg version 2
(gamil2) 李立娟 王斌 董理 刘利 申思 胡宁 孙文奇 王勇 黄文誉 史湘军 普业 杨广文
(868)two-moment bulk stratiform cloud microphysics in the grid-point
atmospheric model of iap lasg (gamil) 史湘军 王斌 xiaohong liu minghuai wang
(884)shortwave cloud radiative forcing on major stratus cloud regions in
amip-type simulations of cmip3 and cmip5 models 张祎 李建
(908)two modes of the silk road pattern and their in
variability simulated by lasg/iap agcm samil2.0 宋丰飞 周天军 王璐
(922)a global ocean biogeochemistry general circulation model and its
simulations 徐永福 李阳春 储敏
(940)western pacific warm pool and enso asymmetry in cmip3 models 孙燕
de-zheng sun 吴立新 王凡