【 内容 提要】清代后期,各种外国货币在我国许多地区大量流通,占清末全国货币总额的比重超过30%。外币的渗透与侵略活动经常有密切关系,但根本原因是它们适应了我国币制变革的需要,被缺乏货币主权意识的
【摘 要 题】专题 研究
【 英文 摘要】in the evening of qing dynasty,various foreign currency lar-gely circulated in chinese regions. the y had a proportion of o-ver 30 percent of all currency supply in qing dynasty's final stage.their pervation often had close contact with aggression,but ultimate reason is that they adapted to reform of chinese currency system,and were initiatively accepted by chinese sho-rt of currency dominion idea.foreign currency's circulation h-ad an important effect on early modernization of chinese curr-ency system.to a great extent,it brought out late qing dynasty's currency system reform.
【关 键 词】清代后期/外币/流通
qing dynasty/foreign currency/circulation
【 正 文】
清代后期外币的流通是特殊 历史 条件下的产物。过去的评价很简单,认为是严重侵犯
一些外币本身便是对我国和我国周边国家侵略活动的产物。有的是殖民地货币,如港币、法光、日本 台湾 银行纸币;有的产生于不平等的中外关系,如外国银行在
【 参考 文献 】
[1] 人民银行.
[5] 周伯棣.