摘要:当代领导人沃尔斯基就告诫政府:"中国在改革中没有遭到破坏,政府部门完好无损,但俄罗斯却没有充分研究中国的改革经验".(p.146)尽管俄罗斯由于本国长期的政治危机和经济衰退,尚不能充分意识到中国的改革对俄国社会转型的巨大意义,但在世界包括西方的当代中国研究学界却对这种意义给予了高度的关注。我们应该有理由相信,随着中国加入wto 、进一步溶入世界主流社会,中国独特的现代化经验一定能够成为人类文明的共同财富;而当代中国研究也一定会成为当代社会科学中一门具有原创能力的显学。
[4]quoted in e.perry.partners at fifty :american china studies and theprc[j].washington :paper for conference on "trends in china watching",1999.
[5]brian hook.sinology and the social science :stages in the developmentof the research base in britain [a].hsin-chi kuan(ed.)。the development ofcontemporary china studies [c].tokyo :the center of east asian cultural studiesfor unesco,1994.
[6]a.walder.social changes in post-revolutionary china[j].annual reviewof sociology,1989,volume 15:405-422.
[9]这方面的著作有很多,其中最著名的有:martin whyte.small groups and politicsrituals in china [m].berkeley:california university press,1974.a.chan ,r.madsen,&j.unger.chen village :the recent history of a peasant community inmao’s china [m].berkeley :university of california press ,1984.r.madsen.morality and power in a chinese village [m].berkeley :university of californiapress ,1994.william l.parish ,&martin whyte.village and family in contemporarychina [m].chicago:university of chicago press,1978.martin whyte,&williamparish.urban life in contemporary china [m].chicago:university of chicago press,1984.
[10]andrew walder.communist neo-traditionalism:work and authority in chineseindustry [m].berkeley,ca :university of california press ,1986.
[11]ezra f.vogel.one step ahead in china ,guangdong under reform [m].cambridge,mass.:harvard university press ,1989.
[12]这一时期的主要成果有:d.davis.long lives,chinese elderly and the communistrevolution [m].california:stanford university press,1983;j.watson(ed.)。class and social stratification in post-revolution china {c}.new york,ny :cambridgeuniversity press,1984;j.burns.political participation in rural china [m].berkeley:university of california press ,1988;jean oi.state and peasant in contemporarychina ,the political economy of village government [m].berkeley:universityof california press ,1989;victor nee.a theory of market transition:fromredistribution to markets in state socialism [j].american sociological review,1989,(54)。
[14]这一时期代表性的成果有:elizabeth j.perry &li xun.proletarian power:shanghai in the cultural revolution [m].boulder:westview press ,1997;a.kipnis.producing guanxi,sentiment,self ,and subculture in a north china village [m].durham:duke university press,1997;m.pearson.china’s new business elite :the political consequences of economic reform [m].berkeley :university of californiapress ,1997;walder ,a.(ed.)。zouping in transition,the process of reformin rural north china [m].cambridge :harvard university press ,1998.d.j.solinger.contesting citizenship in urban china :peasant migrants ,the state,and thelogic of the market [m].berkeley:university of california press ,1999;jeanoi.rural china takes off :institutional foundations of economic reform [m].berkeley:university of california press ,1999;neil j.diament.revolutionizing thefamily:politics ,love ,and divorce in urban and rural china ,1949-1968[m].berkeley:university of california press ,2000;d.davis (ed.)。consumerrevolution in urban china [m].berkeley:university of california press ,2000.
[16]lucien bianco.contemporary china studies in france [a].hsin-chi kuan(ed.)。the development of contemporary china studies [c].tokyo :the centerof east asian cultural studies for unesco ,1994.
[18]gilbert rozman.chinese studies in russia and their impact,1985-1992[a].hsin-chi kuan (ed.)。the development of contemporary china studies [c].tokyo:the center of east asian cultural studies for unesco ,1994.