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this study centres around "perspectives on the ugc countrywide classroom (cwcr) technique in the networked age in india", which has been chosen by the author as a case study. education and development are manifest reasons for establishing television services in the developing countries. india is thus no exception. the justification for the indian national television is one of the largest telecasting services in the world with over 700 terrestrial transmitters and 34 programme production centres. it is also using 17 transponders an the insat satellites for exclusive satellite channels and networking and is beaming its programmes to a large number of countries in asia, africa and europe. over 250 million people in india view, in their homes, a variety of programmes of more than 1200 hours a week put out by the doordharsan in different formats and languages.

worldwide, there are a good number of satellite based projects which have been evaluated in literature. the effective use of satellites was dependent on total systematic approach to teacher and technological involvement in the planning and design of satellite educational projects.

its primary purpose is to investigate the background of learning and teaching on-line, the mnetworked s of teaching and the problems faced in establishing and building up the institutions. the objectives of the study are: to examine the growth and development of countrywide classroom in india to bring out the relevant process and contributions, to identify expanding horizons of information technology (it) networking, to justify the cultivation of creativity, and polishing the gifts of the gab and frame suggestions according to the light of the findings.

the paper traces the importance of curriculum pressures, content material, concept building and quality education.

the paper proves that there is much scope for the development of learning and teaching on-line throughout the worldwide demand.

perspectives on the ugc countrywide classroom technique in the networked age in india.
dr. r varadarajan *

at the outset, i would like to thank the organisers of international conference on learning and teaching on-line: for giving me this opportunity to put before you certain perspectives and approaches in the area of perspectives on the ugc countrywide classroom technique in the networked age in india. i am sure a conference like this will go a long way in promoting a better understanding of the learning and teaching on-line philosophy and its relevance. this is a very critical factor. it is to be admitted that all of us here entered this area only recently by increasing our own awareness and understanding. we have generated a lot of data and gained a lot of experience. i also understand that the network in learning and teaching on line internationally, nationally and regionally which regularly meet to share their relative experiences.
i shall, in this presentation, discuss the various systems and process which would have an impact on the “perspectives on the ugc countrywide classroom technique in the networked age in india. i will be essentially futuristic in my approach.

learning and teaching on line in education programmes have become boon to educators and citizens in developing countries like india. network programmes cover a variety of disciplines that are not typical of mnetworked rn schooling. they may be offered in schools, or they may take place outside the school setting. networked programmes feature innovative or flexible arrangements for instruction, modified or original curriculum and courses and flexible grading or degree requirements. in rural areas, networked programmes often embody a community level response to perceived needs. networked programmes alternatives have succeeded by matching innovative educational services with real community needs. they have been undertaken at all educational levels. this paper will look at a few non-traditional programmes and strategies, the problems to which they respond and the features that make them successful.

it has been emphasized that use of multimedia technologies would also be an integral part of distance mnetworked of education. since the mnetworked of education believes in separation of teacher from the student, it provides an in-built mechanism to provide an alternative system through which personalized services are provided. electronic media is expected to discharge various heterogeneous learners-groups, improving interactivity and provide visual explanations of those topics which need special attention of the students. students have different choices and different levels of learning capabilities. they will be able to utilize one or more media services which would be able to fulfil their demands and desires in a systematic manner and help to resolve their study problems. studies are lacking to indicate which media will be able to attract more and why and more useful to what category of students in a given context. there could be sufficient evidence to prove that multimedia options provide self-confidence in the students to have their choicest media available for choosing and adopting better alternative study preparations.

education and development are manifest reasons for establishing television services in the developing countries. india is thus no exception. the justification for the indian national television is one of the largest telecasting services in the world with over 700 terrestrial transmitters and 34 programme production centres. it is also using 17 transponders an the insat satellites for exclusive satellite channels and networking and is beaming its programmes to a large number of countries in asia, africa and europe. over 250 million people in india view, in their homes, a variety of programmes of more than 1200 hours a week put out by the doordharsan in different formats and languages.

worldwide, there are a good number of satellite based projects which have been evaluated in literature. the effective use of satellites was dependent on total systematic approach to teacher and technological involvement in the planning and design of satellite educational projects.

conceptual framework.
radio text
the indigenous technology developed by the faculty members in respective discipline in coordination with all india radio in addition to available print media for self-instructional texts.

education television
network of satellite channels to cover in urban and rural areas in adopting for the use of educational purposes.

countrywide class room
it is a new technique to provide access for continuing education of professional and other adults.

audio cassettes, video cassettes, cd-players, computers and contact seminar programmes are used as the non-broadcast techniques.

objectives of the study:
the objectives of the study are
(i) to find out the utility and relevance of the broadcast and non-broadcast techniques in present context;
(ii) to find out the feasibility of the programmes;
(iii) to examine the implementation of the programmes;
(iv) to analyze the strategies of students assessment ;and
(v) to suggest the impact of the programmes.

research and training activities
the audio visual research centre, is one among the centres of the university grants commission (ugc) was set up in 1985 on cent percent grant basis. the centre is administered by the university as envisaged in the mou signed by the university grants commission and consortium for educational communication. the centre interacts with various departments in the university and collaborates with other outside agencies in the region for the production of educational television programmes. the centre is advised by a high level advisory committee involving experts from the media, educationalists and prominent citizens of the city which monitors the overall progress of audio visual research centre. the centre has conducted so many workshops, interactive programme, internship training, video festival, video competition, thrust area programme in technical education (taptec).

research design
this study is an exploratory one. the univers of the study comprises of target group of college professors and students in tamil nadu. (south india) the primary data collected with the help of structured questionnaire both from the expert professors and students. the secondary data were browsed through internet.
area of study
ugc's countrywide class-room (cwcr) programmes are being telecast since august 15, 1984. the programmes were introduced with the objective of taking quality university level education to masses comprising of primarily under graduation level students (+3 level) in colleges, universities. open universities, correspondence courses and also others who are aged 14 years and above including +2 level students, post graduation level students, doctoral level students, teachers, academicians, housewives, senior citizens, executives and any other interested individuals, residing in urban as well as remotest parts of the country where quality of teachers, teaching facilities is poor. countrywide class-room (cwcr) has been creating a niche audience of youth and adults in cities, small towns and remote areas devoid of adequate educational facilities. for the production of these higher educational television programmes, educational media research centres (emrcs) and audio visual research centres (avrcs) were established in several place. these educational communication media centres as well as independents producers and institutions have been producing programmes for cwer telecast. so the apt universe of this research study is ugc's countrywide class-room (cwcr) technique in tamil nadu, south india.
sampling technique
as the universe to be studied consists of 500 respondents, the author conducted a survey. the author has taken non- probability and convenient random sampling
construction of tools
the author for identifying the variables has prepared the questionnaire. he had made comprehensive study of the literature directly and indirectly connected . he had also discussed the problems with 10 expert professors before finalising the questionnaire. the field work cover a period of nearly 45 days from july 01,2000 to august 15, 2000.

data processing
the questionnaire has been checked and edited. data thus obtained have been grouped into meaningful classes and master table was prepared. sub-tables have derived from it for further analysis and interpretation. average and percentage analyses were used for making a detailed discussion of data collected from the respondents.

i shall mention few of my findings.
in view of limited contacts between the tutor and the students a variety of presentation is only possible with different media and communication technologies. 75% of the respondents accepted the alternative ways (media )to reach understanding, comprehension and motive to develop rational thinking in the process of learning and practice.
89% of the respondents felt that removal of the inconvenience of time.
95% of the respondents significantly accepted the removal of place inconvenience because they can see the programme with in the living /work place.

90% of them accepted the removal of limitations of print media.
it is observed that 72% of the respondents considered the upward trend of quality learning by using networked in mass media.
65% of the respondents have accepted the application of multi-media helps to promote the discovery approach to learning. the instance, they cited is management programmes.
80% of them accepted the varied individual needs of the learners is possible to be accommodated only through this technology. computers, radio text, country wide class room techniques, programmed instructions, the audio-tutorial instructions can be specially designed to guide student learning activities.
96% of the respondents accepted the impact of the programme. the psycho- motor skills can make the learners to participate more than what the print material can do by watching a film in which these skills are being performed. the programmes are well structured, objectives cleanly defined, and create the instructional to environment to achieve learners objectives.
with in the target segment, major cities and towns (70%) have the highest viewer- ship


it is found that the viewers-ship is found higher amoung males 60% than females 40% within target respondents.
it is observed that the viewer-ship is found higher among collage students 72% there non-collage student 28% ?(open distance learning students).
it is found that frequency of viewing is only just 7% of the respondents. infrequent11% and near seen is 82%.
further the study reveals that the draw of the programme is not restricted to the undergraduate level students. it also enjoys relatively higher commutative and average day viewer-ship among +2 level students and the academicians as well.
it is seen that the regional language is most preferred by 69% of the respondents; but insufficient infrastructure is the stumbling block for the development.
it observed that 48% of the science student, 35% of the arts students and 13% commerce students and 4% other subject area students preferred to see the programme.
it is found that the source of viewing the programme by classmates 39% and teachers 30% finally and media is playing at the low level.
it is also noted that 96% of the viewers did not have any awareness of change of programme. as well as prior informality about the changes.
it is found that media exposure like media viewer-ship (55%) media habit (93%) and media fanniliarity (43%) is only with television and computer respectively.
it evident that the films and film-based programmes and sports telecasts reign at the rank (no1). educational programmes are pertly low on the list rank 8. in plain language it, meant a preference for spectacles and light entertainment.

i present below a few inferences
polishing the gift of gab
it has become necessary to overlay one's basic qualification and talents with another set of 'value additions'. these value additions should be included like communication skills, computer literacy, general knowledge, and interpersonal or relational skills in learning and teaching on line . 100% of the respondents accepted this fact.

curriculum pressures
the knowledge explosion is such that the quantum to be covered at each level in each subject is increasing at a tremendous rate. this in turn puts such tremendous pressure, on the classroom teachers to "cover the syllabus" to teach reading in addition to the content, making the time available for learning the content for too less. hence, teacher felt that it was more important to cover the "syllabus" than to teach the reading skills in the content areas assuming that these are two separate entities. content and the process should never be separated and both should be taught simultaneously reading and study skills are not to be taught in isolation. hence, a new dimension is necessary for curriculum pressures in learning and teaching on line . 80% of them agreed upon this as true.
content material
learning materiel has its own nature which requires a distinct type of reader approach. material in the fields of mathematics, poetry, and to certain extent science, is compactly written. practically every word is important to the meaning. the re-read to corroborate ideas to check progress in an experiment and to make a summary and conclusion. 75% has opted for good reader approach.
concept building
formation of learning and teaching on line concepts and their use is of critical importance for the networked programmes to be successful. a concept is generalisation drawn form particulars. everyone remembers his own discoveries best. active student participation would make learning more intense; they would become more active in expressing and defending their ideas.
it is indeed a matter of pride that a developing country(like india) with its burgeoning population could achieve distinction in space technology, nuclear technology, agricultural technology and in the latest sweeping wave of information technology as well. such advancements are crucial to any developing country. country like india, which is perhaps the off-shoot of our technical education as incentive and reward in professional development. majority (83%) accepted as pride for networked technology.
research in education, particularly in on- line education has many dimensions. it plays a strategic role in the economic development of the developing and the developed countries alike. research in on-line education is a constant source of learning all along in life and is directly linked to human capital. human capital is the nations most precious and dynamic resource, indispensable for sustained growth and attaining targets. sincere efforts for spreading education, knowledge and technical know-how for enhancing skill and efficiency have been subjected to analysis and appraisal, keeping in view, the increase in the production of physical capital. thus, research in on-line education has a significant bearing on the creation of income and wealth for improving the quality of life. the beginning was made in india by establishing the indian institute of technologies. (iits), regional engineering colleges (rec)state run engineering colleges with emphasis on research, besides teaching.

infrastructure facilities
added to the dearth of infrastructure facilities, provision of latest facilities is rather beyond the reach of many management's. even with the liberal attitude for updating the institutions, non-availability of suitable manpower and resource crunch together mark the ongoing process of improvement on research and development.
the corpus of knowledge today is very vast and complex and it is further growing in a multi-dimensional manner. it is worthwhile to note that as of 1965 there were only two scientific journals and by 1996 over 50,000 journals in the field of science and technology exist. but the institutions escalating subscription rates of periodicals have further exerted pressure on the limited resources. till date, a few journals on open distance learning is published.
the system of on-line education cannot be improved unless financial inputs are increased in direct proportion to their requirements which should be worked keeping in view the growing futuristic academic programmes of growing demand for generating human capital throughout the world.
the globalisation and liberalisation have paved the way for new inputs in the technological institutions. the trump-card of globalisation is the communication and information revolution. the world wide web through internet has been transforming our lives constantly. nearly 90 per cent of internet users belong to the industrialised nations, constituting about 17 per cent of the world population. the internet facility in the on-line education should be accessible to every student and staff at throwaway prices. otherwise, it would be difficult to keep track of the growing repository of knowledge

intellectual obsolescence prevention
continuous training and development efforts are needed so as to keep individual abreast of the current improvements in their respective fields of work, whether they are mechanical or general or managerial training and development programmes foster individual initiative and creativity and thus help to prevent intellectual manpower
various on-line education institutional policies and programmes can be initiated in an attempt to control intellectual obsolescence. institutional/ corporate officers must deal with the need for managerial upgrading as well as the recruitment of new skills grater attention must be paid to individual development and training.
intellectual obsolescence can be controlled through continuing and sophisticated attention to the forecasting of manpower needs, monitoring technological changes in terms of their calibre/employment impact, and altering individuals to appropriate as well as to the hazards of technical change.

there is a large chenille of viewers among whom frequently of viewing needs to be universal.
regional language must be given preference so as to make the programme very useful.
knowledge enrichment is the main motto of on-line programme. it request interest caution, subject update and infrastructurery to increase the utility value of programme.
lack of awareness will reduce the drop out of the programme as well.

high quality production and better software's an satellite channels well resume thus barrier

let me now conclude. the indispensable importance of learning and teaching on line is of such of magnitude that the networked world is deemed to be breft of any technological advancement in the networked age. the study unequivocally proves that there is much scope for the development of on - line learning and teaching, thanks to the increasing demand world wide.


a. books
best john. w. research in education, prentice hall of india(p)ltd., new delhi, 1970.
howard f. freeman and sherwood social research and social policy, prentice hall book company, london,1989.
m.h. gopal an introduction to research producer in social sciences, asia publishing house, new delhi, 1970.
pauline v. young scientific social surveys and research, prentice hall of india private ltd, new delhi, 1977
saravanavel p. research metholodology, kita mahal, new delhi, 1992.

b. journals
annual report dooradhershan government of india, 1995-99
cwcr brochure 1977
cwcr new delhi from 1997-1999
distance education, university news, 1994.
distance education, growth and present status y.c.m.o.u, nasik, 1987
educational journals june 1999 to december , 1999
encyclopedia of educational research 1992.
excellence in distance education university news, 1974, 1998,1999
television news ucg-cec, cwca. 1995-1999

c. news papers
the hindu, madurai edition june 1999 to december, 1999.

dr. r varadarajan (b. 1952) m.com, m.phill., ph d, b.g.l. pg dip, in training & development, is currently serving as professor of commerce and coordinator for m.phil enterpreneurship programme, directorate of distance education, madurai kamaraj university, madurai, tamilnadu, india. after having passed m.com and m.phil from university of madras, he did his ph.d, in madurai kamaraj university on the role of management training and development in corporate sector. he has specialized in commerce and management subjects. he also guides research for m.phil and ph.d degrees. he is the author of articles which have been published in journals. he has attended and presented a large number of papers in regional, national and international seminars/ conferences/ courses. he also member in various academic and professional bodies. 

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