2011年以来,华策又在电视剧方面加大了投入—先后投资5亿元自制、联投电视剧近600集,即将开拍《国家命运》《书香世家》《中国爱人》《山村女教师》《机密》等多部剧作,都由刘恒、邹静之、麦家、陈枰等国内外一线编剧创作。 被称为华策“大剧汇”的作品,包括了华策自制的数十部新剧,比如《棋逢对手》《幸福的面条》《一克拉梦想》《推拿》《一句顶一万句》《国家命运》《天涯明月刀》《钟馗传说》等。华策“大剧汇”不仅限于这些作品,而是华策影视全力提升的一个明确标记,反映了国内电视剧制作的专业化和产业化水平。 国际视野,开拓创作之路 如果说立足电视剧战略的确立和2010年成功上市两件大事,是华策破茧成蝶的过程,那么把视野放到更广阔的国际舞台,则是华策发展的新的契机。 这几年来,公司海内外的整体市场营销能力优势更加明显,上市后公司不断加强国际合作,积极参与国际交流,拓展海外发行渠道,截至2011年底,共有2000多小时影视节目在全世界70多个国家和地区授权发行,居全国民营企业第一位。 2012年3月20日晚,华策影视在香港主办了“华策影响中国·华流改变世界”的主题盛会,邀请了国内外同行业的专家为华策的进一步“走出去”出谋划策。会上,有专家说:中国影视作品“走出去”的意义,不只是占领市场,而是优质文化的输出。 这话赢得了大家的首肯和华策的共鸣,总经理赵依芳历数了这几年华策多次派遣骨干员工到好莱坞学习,把握世界影视的脉搏。华策筹划在今年年内成立国际合作部,培养一支专业化的非华语队伍,对接国际影视资源,探索与国际接轨、合作的新模式。 也是在那次会上,华策首次透露出海宁影视试验区即将出炉。 2012年5月28日上午,在海宁盐官镇,一场隆重的授牌仪式如期举行。这标志着国家广电总局中国(浙江)影视产业国际合作实验区的正式诞生。很多人不知道的是,新成立的影视产业国际合作实验区,其重要的幕后推手之一,正是被誉为“中国电视剧行业第一股”的浙江民企、上市公司华策影视。本文由论文联盟http://收集整理 邓昌明告诉我,海宁实验区的首要目标是人才策略:“今后我们会不定期邀请国内外优秀的影视专家、学者、团队前来海宁基地交流,也会通过合作、学习,借鉴别人先进的东西。归根结底,是希望海宁实验区能够担负起培养人才的任务。” 此外,邓昌明表示,公司更希望实验区未来能够成为类似于好莱坞的综合性文化创意园,集影视文化创意创作、影视外贸企业孵化成长、华语影视文化产品传播交易、影视产业投融资及配套服务、全球影视文化研究、影视产业国际化复合人才培养等六大平台体系于一体。这和横店等传统的影视基地有所不同。“5年内,我们将在核心合作区域内实现影视、文化产业产值达到10亿元以上,上交税收和规费1亿元以上,年吸引至少20个剧组入驻拍摄,接待旅游者500万人次……恐怕将来,我们会叫它‘海莱坞’。”邓昌明半开玩笑地说。 华策的美好愿景,也得到了政府的认可,海宁方面透露,接下来浙江省广电局将牵头成立中国(浙江)影视产业国际合作实验区工作协调小组,推动杭州、海宁市分别成立实验区管委会,加快实施立项建设、行政审批、政策服务、产业扶持等相关工作。 目前,实验区基地所在地的海宁市人民政府已在盐官落实基地用地近2000亩,并已经落实相关政策措施,启动基地的前期规划与建设。到2012年5月底,已经有全国近100家知名影视企业注册入驻该实验区基地。实验区鲜明的国际化定位更是吸引了美国、韩国以及我国港台等地影视同行前来洽谈合作意向。 在“文化强国”时代背景下,这一“航母”级实验区的获批设立,有望对中国影视产业的集聚化发展产生深远的影响,对于提高华策办企“走出去”的层次,也具有突破性意义。 china’s flagship maker of television series go international by wei shuihua zhejiang huace film & tv company limited (hereinafter known in short as huace media) is a chinese producer of television series. headquartered in hangzhou, the capital of eastern china’s coastal zhejiang province, the entertainment media company is china’s dream works in producing television series and films, as testified by the 18th shanghai television festival on june 12, 2012. huace day was held for six television blockbusters produced by huace media to make their debuts at the festival. huace media was founded in october 2005. though a latecomer on the national scene, it was one of the early birds in zhejiang. in the 1990s, the national government adopted a policy of allowing independent media companies to engage in producing television series and films. august 2003 marked a turning point for private capital to get into this industry when the national administration of radio, film and television loosened its control and allowed private investors to make and distribute films and television series. over a period of few years, more than 650 media companies mushroomed in hengdian, hangzhou and ningbo, turning zhejiang into a powerhouse of entertainment media, second only to beijing where more than 1,400 media companies are headquartered. a recent incomplete survey tentatively concludes that zhejiang accounts for 60% of the national total investment into film and television series making.
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huace media is one of the 660 and one of the biggest enjoying fast growth since its registration in 2005. huace media owes its fast growth to a few strategies and ambitious projects. huace media wants to make it big. it eyes markets at home and abroad. in 2006, it set up an overseas distribution department. the department designs materials and sends its sales people to media festivals in hong kong, taiwan, korea and france. at present, huace media has substantial contacts and ongoing exchange programs with entertainment networks in more than 30 countries and regions across the world.本文由论文联盟http://收集整理 it engages big-name scriptwriters. novelist liu heng and scriptwriter zou jingzhi work for huace. the day huace media got listed in shenzhen stock exchange on october 26, 2010, liu and zhou were worth more than 20 million yuan each. huace media was the first domestic business of television series that went public in china and liu and zou were the first scriptwriters that made it big on the market. moreover, the two scriptwriter-turned multimillionaires are considered as a watershed for other scriptwriters in their quest for national recognition. now they think it is a big step toward meaningful industrial recognition. huace media attracts big-name scriptwriters because of the understanding that only high-quality media products sell well on market. since public listing in 2010, huace has reoriented its business. although it has branched out into commercial films and advertising, it keeps focusing upon the making and distributing of television series as its core business. in 2010, huace media had more than 1,000 hours of its productions screened at primetime and sub-primetime slots at cctv and satellite televisions at provincial level, accounting for 10% of the country’s total market. in 2011, huace put in 500 million yuan and made 18 television series single-handedly or in partnership with others. the series added up to 600 episodes and most of these television series were created by first-class scriptwriters such as liu heng, zou jingzhi, ma jia and chen ping. in 2011, huace distributed 2,000 hours of television programs in 70 countries and regions across the world, making it china’s biggest private dealer of television series. on the evening of march 20, 2012, huace media held a theme symposium in hong kong. many experts met to brainstorm for huace’s “going-international” strategy. experts agreed that going international for chinese entertainment products is more than business. in fact, huace media has been pushing its international programs for years. over the past few years, huace has employees trained in hollywood. huace is going to set up a special department to handle转贴于论文联盟 http://www.ybask.com
international cooperation with overseas partners. the department is going to explore ways to tap into international resources and seek international cooperation. launched on may 28, 2012, a film and television series production base in haining is an experimental project approved by the national administration of radio, film and television. huace media is the big engine of the powerhouse. the first objective of the haining experimental zone is to cultivate talents. huace media plans to invite international experts, scholars and teams to visit the zone for exchanges. it plans to turn the zone into a creative cultural park that bears resemblance to hollywood where talents work together on a series of platforms. huace wants this zone to stand out from hengdian world studios and alike in other parts of zhejiang. huace media wants to make this zone into its flagship for going international. by the end of may 2012, nearly 100 entertainment media companies had registered with the base. overseas media companies in america and korea as well as in hong kong and taiwan have visited the zone for future cooperation.转贴于论文联盟 http://www.ybask.com