【中文摘要】 近年来,国内男性时尚杂志市场不断升温。本文所探讨的男性时尚杂志是指以男性为诉求对象的时尚生活杂志,是一种时尚生活理念的泛文化表达,涉及面庞杂宽泛。男性时尚杂志既是一种文化文本,也是一种社会实践。它重新定义了男性之美,影响人们对男性气质的传统看法,也影响了男性的生活观念和生活方式。本文以男性形象为切入点,运用传播学理论和文化研究的视角,深入研究国内男性时尚杂志的文本、受众,探寻男性时尚杂志的编码、解码方式以及两者的相关性,试图为男性时尚杂志的编码方式提出相应的建议,从而使之达到更好的传播效果。首先,本文选择了六期《时尚先生》作为研究样本,通过内容分析、文本分析、符号学等方法对文本进行解构,挖掘其中的文化意义、意识形态,从而探寻了当今国内男性时尚杂志对男性形象的编码方式;其次,通过个案研究,结合霍尔的三种解读方式,对成都地区男性受众对国内男性时尚杂志中男性形象的解读方式进行了分析,探究了杂志中男性形象对受众身体意象的影响,对受众消费行为的影响,并进行了原因分析;最后,试图为男性时尚杂志的编码方式提出相应的建议,从而达到更好的传播效果。通过全文的分析可以得出大部分男性受众对男性时尚杂志中塑造的男性形象持协商式立场的解读方式,表现为:受众较认同杂志所倡导的服饰搭配、美容保养等生活方式,理解杂志塑造的时尚男性形象,但更多的是站在一个旁观者的角度,强调自身的社会立场,使讯息中内涵的意义适合于他本身所属团体的地位,不会盲从,对自身身体意象和消费观影响也不大。对男性时尚杂志文本的分析能挖掘媒体文本的意义及其影响。对受众的解读研究不仅能归纳出受众的阅读习惯,还能更好地指导媒体的传播效果,使受众真正从这些杂志中受益,以更积极健康的形象和心态踏上路程。
【英文摘要】 it was found that the male vogue magazine had become more and more popular in china over these years. the male vogue magazine we discuss in this article is referred the vogue magazine which is aimed at men, it is an expression of vogue life idea, including comprehensive contents. in fact, the male vogue magazine is not only a cultural text but also a social practice. it redefined the male ideal body image, influenced people's traditional concept about male temperament, and also had impact on male's life concept and style.viewing from the angle of male body image, this article deeply research the texts and audiences of domestic male vogue magazine according to communication theory and cultural research concept, look for the encoding and decoding ways of male vogue magazine and their relationship, and try to provide some suggestions for encoding ways, in order to obtain better communication effect.firstly, the author designates six issues of <esquire> as a swatch and decomposes this set of material by analyzing its content, studying its text materials and semeiology related issues. the author also manages to excavate the cultural and ideology related significance hidden within and identify modern male vogue magazines’coding style of male visual impression.secondly, the author scrutinizes the manner that the male in chengdu area appreciate the visual impressions formatted by the domestic male vogue magazine. meanwhile, this paper explores the relationship between the coding and decoding process of the domestic male vogue magazine and the reason that accounts for this relationship.at last, this paper focuses on proposing beneficial suggestions on the coding manner for male vogue magazines and consequently promoting their acceptance.from analysis of the whole article, it is found that a majority of male audiences hold the way of negotiated reading on these male body images in male vogue magazine. which reveals in some ways: to a certain extent, audiences identify with the life styles which magazine called for, and know the vogue male image in magazine, but they are inclined to emphasize their own social stands, never follow anyone like sheep. moreover, results indicate that those ideal male images in magazine do not have obvious impact on their body images and consumption concept. on one side, texts analysis can explore the meaning and effect of media. on the other side, audiences analysis not only help to learn the audiences reading habit, but also i
mprove the media’s communication effect, and make audiences benefit from it
【中文关键词】 身体意象; 编码解码; 男性时尚杂志; 男性形象
【英文关键词】 body image; encode-decode; male vogue magazine; male image
摘要 4-5
abstract 5-6
第一章 绪论 9-17
1.1 问题的提出 9-13
1.1.1 研究背景 9-10
1.1.2 国内外研究现状 10-13
1.2 相关概念的界定 13-14
1.3 选题意义和研究方法 14-17
1.3.1 选题意义 14-15
1.3.2 研究方法 15-17
第二章 国内男性时尚杂志对男性形象的塑造 17-31
2.1 对“塑造”的理解 17-19
2.1.1 编码与表征 17-18
2.1.2 语言和言语 18
2.1.3 从语言到符号 18-19
2.2 国内男性时尚杂志对男性形象塑造的三层涵义 19-20
2.2.1 杂志中图片对男性形象的直观表现 19
2.2.2 其他内容对男性形象的间接塑造 19-20
2.2.3 对男性读者自身形象塑造的影响 20
2.3 个案分析:《时尚先生》对男性形象的塑造 20-29
2.3.1 男性形象的内容分析 21-25
2.3.2 男性形象的符号学分析 25-27
2.3.3 男性形象的视觉编码分析 27-29
2.4 研究结果 29-31
第三章 受众对国内男性时尚杂志中男性形象的解读 31-44
3.1 国内男性时尚杂志的受众分析 31-34
3.1.1 国内男性时尚杂志受众的形成 31-33
3.1.2 国内男性时尚杂志的目标受众群分析 33-34
3.2 受众理论的拓展:三种解读方式 34-35
3.3 个案研究:成都地区男性读者对国内男性时尚杂志中男性形象的解读分析 35-41
3.3.1 问卷设计 36-37
3.3.2 调查方法和工具 37-38
3.3.3 统计结果 38-41
3.4 解读方式分析 41-44
3.4.1 解读方式结果 41-42
3.4.2 编码与解码之间差距的原因分析 42-44
第四章 国内男性时尚杂志编码的对策 44-50
4.1 受众阅读快感的构建 44-45
4.1.1 区分受众阅读快感在性别上的差异 44-45
4.1.2 受众阅读快感的多元化 45
4.2 树立受众本位的传播思想 45-47
4.2.1 正确对待受众的商品化 45-46
4.2.2 作为意义生产者的阅听人的受众 46-47
4.3 形成受众素养和媒介素养的良性互动 47-48
4.3.1 充分把握目标受众群的媒介素养 47-48
4.3.2 提升杂志编辑的素质 48
4.4 把握新媒体的机遇 48-50
4.4.1 注重不同媒介的不同编码方式 48
4.4.2 充分利用电子杂志丰富的编码形式 48-50
第五章 结论 50-52
致谢 52-53
参考文献 53-55
附录一 55-56
附录二 56-58
攻硕期间取得的研究成果 58-59